While a character is suffering moderate harm, a penalty of -1d applies to rolls “if any or all harm recorded in that…

While a character is suffering moderate harm, a penalty of -1d applies to rolls “if any or all harm recorded in that…

While a character is suffering moderate harm, a penalty of -1d applies to rolls “if any or all harm recorded in that row applies to the situation at hand”.

So, question time. Which rolls (by default) are supposed to suffer from the mentioned penalty?

– All action rolls (ex. if you are “Exhausted” or “Panicked”, it makes it equally difficult to Skirmish, to Study and to Attune)? My guess is “probably”.

– Some action rolls (ex. while “Concussed”, you’re having problems Swaying but not Wrecking)? My guess is “that’s possible, if perhaps too fiddly” (“okay, guys, now let’s have a discussion on which exactly of the actions should be penalized for a person who’s been “Seduced”…”)

– Resistance rolls? My guess is “probably not”.

– Fortune rolls? My guess is “quite likely not”.

– Downtime rolls? My guess is “probably”.

I mean, of course the usual “make a ruling and subsequently stick to it” still applies, but I’d like to know what’s the overall consensus and whether anything in the book supports my guesses.