I’m so happy this one is done. Me and the undead do not get along well, especially in video games. Have some spooky stuff!
I’m so happy this one is done.
I’m so happy this one is done. Me and the undead do not get along well, especially in video games. Have some spooky stuff!
Actual play from tonight:
Actual play from tonight:
We had a lot of fun. We had our first non-heist play. First, because we were setting up a heist to take on a Crow underboss (but they decided to pay him off instead.) Second, because they found a creepy new endeavor, and committed murder and arson to take it over. (That part WAS a heist.)
I’m pretty sure I did the rules wrong for at least a quarter of it, and that’s kind of embarrassing, but we had fun and that’s more important. I like how the story of this crew is unfolding, and tonight they went from 2 points of enterprises to 1, and then up to 4. Good for them!
Wanted to share my Ghost Lines character background cards that I created for use when I ran one shot games of Ghost…
Wanted to share my Ghost Lines character background cards that I created for use when I ran one shot games of Ghost Lines (Dark variant). I realized they could also be really useful for creating Rail Jack (aka Line Bull) NPCs in Blade in the Dark. Just divide the types of cards into piles and randomly draw one from each. The rules listed are going to be different from BitD but the cards are mostly descriptive so they should work fine. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_x5XNahtqzvUEhKc2FzYnNkMVE/edit?usp=sharing
Does each claim count as +1 hold and its stated benefit? I see mixed signals.
Does each claim count as +1 hold and its stated benefit? I see mixed signals.
The last sentence of the “Seizing A Claim” section on pg 7 makes me think that yes, you get 1 hold for every new claim, and some (like turf) grant additional hold on top of that.
However, the description of claims on pg 6 says “some claims are worth hold (1-4)” which might imply that only those claims that specifically list hold are worth any hold.
Still yet, under “Losing a Claim” it says you lose the benefits of that claim, but doesn’t mention losing 1 hold (like it does for the targeted faction when you seize a claim from them).
I am guessing each claim is worth just its stated benefit since (at least as I read it), you only need 8 hold for Tier 2, 12 for Tier 3, and 16 for Tier 4. I would maybe expect more like 6 times the next tier level rather than 4 times, since at 4 times, if the Thieves control every claim that grants hold (which would take a minimum of 10 scores without retaliation), they would have 17 hold, which is enough to be eligible for Tier 4 even without any Rep.
By the way, I made a mock-up claims map for Cult crews. I’ll try to post it after we use it in play tonight.
I am in an odd position for my game tonight.
I am in an odd position for my game tonight. I know two heist-like activities they’ll be doing. One is an enemy getting revenge that we found out about during the entanglement roll last time. The other is a down time project that will reach fruition next cycle, it only has 1 segment left.
So… I am in a position to actually PLAN A SESSION of this game. That’s just… weird.
I have some great stuff lined up for them, though. =)
Effects Draft Page
Effects Draft Page
Here’s the draft of a new Effects page for the Quick Start.
As you can see, I’m moving toward a more subjective method, similar to the assessment for position on the action roll. I hope this combination of human judgment of effect level plus the concrete nature of clocks will allow for maximum flexibility in play. Play that guitar. 🙂
Hi guys, I kickstarted this game a while back because I really liked the world.
Hi guys, I kickstarted this game a while back because I really liked the world. I didn’t spend too much time considering I just sort of went with it. Now I checked it out again and thought that I’d like to test the quickplay thingie. I started reading it but found it hard to picture everything because I felt I didn’t really know the world. So my question is, are there some chunks of lore somewhere to be read that I’ve completely missed? Sorry if this has been asked before.
Steampunk Tendencies Is often posting material that could be interesting to BitD players, so I repost this here for…
Steampunk Tendencies Is often posting material that could be interesting to BitD players, so I repost this here for my fellow imperial citizens.
Originally shared by Steampunk Tendencies
Alain Bellino http://goo.gl/KEJxUx
Question about v3 draft playbook advance ticks.
Question about v3 draft playbook advance ticks. The Cutter has 8 playbook advancement tickboxes but the other playbooks only have 6 (and the advancement page still says 6).
Given that triggers are broader, so more easy to hit, but now cap out at 2 ticks per trigger per session, I’m torn whether I’d think it should be 6 or 8. I’m running tonight and will likely stick with 6 unless I hear differently.
FYI: I just added Brent Newhall’s score generator and Bryon Kershaw’s NPC generator to the pins for the community.
FYI: I just added Brent Newhall’s score generator and Bryon Kershaw’s NPC generator to the pins for the community. Great work, guys!