Here is a reference sheet I made for my Unrecommendable crew.

Here is a reference sheet I made for my Unrecommendable crew.

Here is a reference sheet I made for my Unrecommendable crew. They’ve had four sessions, and in that time they’ve done all sorts of unrecommendable things.

This has a roster of names of people and places, their crew sheet, and their faction allegiances.

The Unrecommendables ride again, this time in Hidden Depths. This is their fourth session.

The Unrecommendables ride again, this time in Hidden Depths. This is their fourth session.

The Unrecommendables ride again, this time in Hidden Depths. This is their fourth session.

We had an interesting evening, with a number of interrupted heist preps, or mini-heists, linking smaller work towards bigger goals. It was interesting to figure when to add in down time. We did so when they needed to clear stress or work on background projects.

A new special ability anyone can take:

A new special ability anyone can take:

A new special ability anyone can take:

Eye Shine

The operation takes 3 coin and 6 hours, with a 4 segment recovery clock. A skilled and trained whisper, alchemist, and physick must be involved. Eye Shine allows the character to see in the dark, and also see electroplasm. Unless there is warding magic concealing electroplasm, the character can now visually identify hollows, vampires, possessed bodies, ghosts, and other electroplasmic phenomenon. Demon energy is not visible. The character’s eyes reflect light and have a soft blue glow from the pupils.

A new special ability anyone can take:

A new special ability anyone can take:

A new special ability anyone can take:

Meat Lock.

Pay 2 coin to get a tattoo with special inks done by an expert trained whisper, roughly the size of a palm. As long as the tattoo is on the character, the character cannot be possessed by a ghost. The meat lock also counts as a fine item in repelling other supernatural possession effects.

Andrew Shields’ post on a new special ability reminded me of one I had been kicking around.

Andrew Shields’ post on a new special ability reminded me of one I had been kicking around.

Andrew Shields’ post on a new special ability reminded me of one I had been kicking around. A move from the as-yet-unwritten Rail Jack sheet. Spirit smugglers, your helpful special move is here.


You do not pay stress to act normally around ghosts. Possession causes you to mark trauma once a month, rather than once a week.

This kind of reads how they work from the BitD rules. Obviously from the Ghost Lines ruleset, they are actually taking trauma when they encounter ghosts, but they’re also a lot more squishy than BitD rogues. I imagine in their BitD form, they’ll be less squishy as well. 

A new special ability anyone can take:

A new special ability anyone can take:

A new special ability anyone can take:


The operation costs 4 coin and requires knowledgeable participation of a whisper, an alchemist, and a physick in an operation that takes about 12 hours and requires a 6 segment downtime recovery clock.

A cyst of electroplasm is lodged somewhere in the character’s torso. When the character dies, the spirit is released instead of being tied to the body. The spirit has 24 hours to inhabit a hollow. Once a hollow is inhabited, and once the body is where it can go into a coma for a week, the cyst finishes opening. The hollow will be transformed to exactly resemble the dead character, complete with physical and mental and spiritual qualities.

Another rumor for you:

Another rumor for you:

Another rumor for you:

There is a market for bones. Bones of all types. And, as one would expect with markets such as this, no questions are asked. Some dealers work with a specific type of bone. Ring finger. Cervical vertebra. That sort of thing. But recently, every dealer has been interested in a type of bone that hasn’t been seen before. These bones, splinters mostly, appear to be made of a strange glossy black metal, light as a feather and warm to the touch.

There are whispers that someone got their hands on a complete jawbone filled with shiny pointed teeth or a fractured segment of a horned skull.

The rumor is that these relics can be found in some of the old burial sites around the city. Of course, most of those are in the sewers.

That can’t possibly go wrong. 




I have some questions about new rules in the draft version 3.

Claims and Vulnerable Factions

Page 3 says about Vulnerable faction that a Faction is vulnerable when their hold is less than 6x their Tier, so if a faction is a 2nd Tier faction, if its hold is 11, 10 or less, it is vulnerable, right? 

However, in the page 4, it is said that a A faction at zero hold (or less) is vulnerable to lower-tier factions who want to move up a tier. 

I don’t understand the rule, whenn a faction is exactly vulnerable to lower tier factions who want to move up a tier? 

Claims benefits. 

Al claims benefits are active all the time or you gain benefits from calims only when you are in this claim?

I will appreciate your help! 

NeuralNoise JDR made these Google Drive sheets for QS 1, which I’ve updated to QS 3, draft 3.

NeuralNoise JDR made these Google Drive sheets for QS 1, which I’ve updated to QS 3, draft 3.

NeuralNoise JDR made these Google Drive sheets for QS 1, which I’ve updated to QS 3, draft 3. All character playsheets and the Thieves crew sheet are updated to the current version and rearranged to accommodate new material (I did not update Cult or Hawkers, since they have not been updated to QS 3, but if you want them you can un-hide them).

I also added item descriptions to the bottom of every character sheet, and a faction tracking sheet based on the factions page of the QS. Where available, I added faction descriptions.

Hopefully this will be helpful to anyone who wants to run an online QS 3 game. Let me know if anything is wrong, missing, or bad. Thanks to NeuralNoise JDR for making this great sheet in the first place.