What is the connection between electroplasm, leviathan blood, and lightning oil? Here is one fan’s theory.

What is the connection between electroplasm, leviathan blood, and lightning oil? Here is one fan’s theory.

What is the connection between electroplasm, leviathan blood, and lightning oil? Here is one fan’s theory.



So we have a pretty good focus on the crime in Duskwall.

So we have a pretty good focus on the crime in Duskwall.

So we have a pretty good focus on the crime in Duskwall. Now let’s take a look at the law. What happens when you’re caught?


This is still plenty sketchy, don’t feel too boxed in. The idea here is to provide some benchmarks and lingo to help the players understand the stakes the characters face.


I think it would be great if one or more people from this community signed up to run Blades in the Dark.

I think it would be great if one or more people from this community signed up to run Blades in the Dark.

I think it would be great if one or more people from this community signed up to run Blades in the Dark. There are some things that could make this easier.

* A dozen pre-fab characters, maybe with a blurb and a quickie portrait.

* A single page rules summary with enough player-facing information for a new player. An additional page explaining the gear and actions. An additional page with down time actions (just in case.)

Would that level of shared detail be okay with John Harper?

Anyway, I think it would be great if there was a showing of multiple GMs of this game at this online con.

Originally shared by Jez Gordon

:::::ANTIGEN CON 2 GAME MASTER SIGNUP::::: Can’t make it to Gen Con this year? Feel like you’re missing out on the action? Born on the wrong side of the planet? LIVE IN FEAR NO MORE. ANTIGEN CON 2! G+ RPG THROWDOWN D.I.Y. ONLINE FESTIVAL IS HERE!

BUT IT NEEDS GMs!!!! So if you’re up for running a game this Gen Con weekend between Thursday 30th July and Sunday 2nd of August post a comment below with the following deets:








And it’s totally ok to run something the same time someone else is!

GM Signup Deadline is when I go to sleep on Sunday 12th July (realistically more like when I get to work that Monday) So yeah, sign up by then to make sure you’re locked in.

AWESOME! Hope to see you there!


::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::THURSDAY 30th::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Anxious P. 

The Haughty & Persnickety Hoggsnorgles (LotFP as Base System)

2100GMT (4:00 PM CST)

5-6 Players (preferable, at most)

Sandbox type Adventure centered around the recent presence of Noble Giant Families and the issues that they now present to society. The world-vibe is comparable to the LotFP publication “The Magnificent Joop Van Ooms” and I have magic-user character builds associated with the Fine Arts/Academia, as if they were schools of magic, if anyone is interested.

The adventure will be investigatory in nature with a high chance of horrible confrontations occurring. But the Academy/University will pay up, for sure. Follow me for blogposts regarding the aforementioned class variant builds.

::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::FRIDAY 31st::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::SATURDAY 1st::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Peter Robbins 

Adventurer Conquer King System

0100GMT (Fri July 31st 9PM EDT)

2-5 Players

The gates of Dwimmermount have opened. After years of rumors, it is time to discover the secrets of this vast mountain fortress for yourself…

1st Level new ACKS player characters only please. I can provide pre-mades as needed. It’s ok if you have perused the dungeon before. I will be throwing in some of my own twists and additions.

::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::SUNDAY 2nd::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

cecil howe 

The Blown Torch (Sword & Backpack)

1900 GMT (2pm CST)

3 to 6 players for 3 to 4 hours of gaming.

The Great Lighthouse on Lantern Island has gone cold and can not be lighted again.  Ships are perched wreckedly along the rocky coast, and the locals fear that if the Lantern is not relit soon then all trade and contact with the outside world will end.

Sword & Backpack is an oddball roleplaying game in that there are not a whole lot of rules, and everything can sort of seem arbitrary; I am going to be making a few advanced changes to the rules to keep things transparent and fun.  For instance, I’ll be using Dunkey Halton’s Adventurer Point system in some places.  This is going to be a total babe of a dungeon crawl with loot and tom foolery just thrown about the place.


What are rogue spirit essences, anyway?

What are rogue spirit essences, anyway?

What are rogue spirit essences, anyway?

Inspired by the painfully delightful piece by Andrew Shields  https://fictivefantasies.wordpress.com/2015/07/06/the-trouble-with-rogues/

Kember, you know that old fuck who runs the Devil’s Tooth, he told me what they were. Threatened to let one of the crazy ones ride me if I ever told another soul, but fuck it, that man’s only got three teeth and a bad hip. He couldn’t catch me if he tried.

Kember says whispers and adepts make them from boiled down ghosts. The do some ritual to break the spirit down, tear it apart or some shit, and pull out the pieces they want. The pieces that know how to lie, how to count cards, how to kill.

So you sniff or snort or drink one on of these things, and for a time, you can do what they could do. Larose, that shit-breathing arse in Blue can’t get it up, so he comes to Kember for a ghost that can fuck. You heard about that Keel woman who won six matches back to back in Grist’s ring by the docks? I heard she doped up before each match with a spirit of blood and mayham. She dislocated her shoulder in the third match and didn’t even notice.

Side effects? Well fuck it, what doesn’t leave you strung out and wishing you were dead in the morning? Yeah, sometimes the ghost goes wrong I guess. You get more than you bargained for and next thing you know you’re possessed. You spend some time being poked and prodded by the spirit wardens, then a little more time in Ironhook, but shit, you could get that for anything, and from what I heard, there is nothing like being ridden for a night.

– Lott, street urchin and propagandist, on Kember’s payroll.

First some rumination on organized crime.

First some rumination on organized crime.

First some rumination on organized crime. If you can wade through that (or skip it) I unpack some new kinds of crime that I think would be available in Duskwall.

You can use that for the basis of characters, or adventures, or use it for background flavor. 

One new form of crime is exorfists. “Weirdly skilled boxers who train to attack the energy in a body. They fight hollows occupied by ghosts, trying to knock the ghost out of the body before the hollow (which is immune to physical pain, and extra strong because it is possessed) knocks them out. Heavy betting on these illegal fighting events.”

Take a look!



Maybe this question is already answered(i was searching but i didnt find anything). What is an expert?

Maybe this question is already answered(i was searching but i didnt find anything). What is an expert?

Maybe this question is already answered(i was searching but i didnt find anything). What is an expert?

In a Dark Cellar, when they tried to steal the “Blue Princess’ Tear” in an demonic industrial factory….

In a Dark Cellar, when they tried to steal the “Blue Princess’ Tear” in an demonic industrial factory….

In a Dark Cellar, when they tried to steal the “Blue Princess’ Tear” in an demonic industrial factory….

I like to tie in little film snippets and collages I found.


Had my 4th play yesterday.

Had my 4th play yesterday.

Had my 4th play yesterday. 3 players, 1 that tried every iteration of the rules, 2 new players. Game went really well, everybody loved it, so i’ll jump right in the important part of my report.

QS V3 as been a really good improvement to the general feeling of the game.


– Claim map added that many more objectives to the player and a fabulous tool to the master

– Details to consequences is really useful (p.13)

– Downtime are well structured and my players really loved to have it all written down. They loved entanglements, ect

– Playbook have better special abilities, feeling a little bit more unique (I’m not a big fan of “Veteran”, feeling some things should only be done by a certain character)

– Players really like to know “what’s up”, they know what is going on, what most of their action mean and what is their objective. They know they need to reach a certain amount of hold to raise their tier, they are able to plan wich gang they’ll befried and wich is going to be their foe. That’s something that is very unique to a RPG, feeling a little bit like a boardgame, my players loved that feeling and it’s really easy to get the master involved in the really long-time planning (sadly I just played one-shots)


– I didn’t like to have to roll the tier of the gang to acquire asset, making it really difficult for a new gang and it doesn’t feels right. I would simply do the exact same thing than the “gather information” roll, player explain what they want to do and roll the action, no need for a different rule

– I like the new resistance rule, but I think the amount of stress is out of place. To avoid danger should never be that easy that it cost no stress, but I think a roll of 1 is to expensive. I’d go with something  similar to every other roll: 6: 1 stress, 4/5: 2 stress, 1-3: 4 stress

– Finally, I feel there’s something missing from the effect of complex action roll, as if the suprise of the roll has to few of an impact. I know it was a lot of roll (Action, Effect, Resistance…), but I used to like to roll for effect. I’d propose a single dice (1-3: 1 ticks, 4-5: 2 ticks, 6: 3 ticks) and then you’d apply all bonus/malus on a 1:1 basis (ex: potency -1/+1). And the effect dice could even be rolled at the same time than the action roll with a different dice color. Some playbook could have a special ability that gives 1 more effect dice (and the possibilities of critical) to certain action. (Ex Cutter get an additionnal effect dice to 2-handed weapon)

– To replace the veteran special ability, a character could pick from a generic list available to every character of a certain crew type (I’ve seen really great ideas for a cult-crew, but i’m sure we could do the same with every crew type. 

So those are all ideas and reflection, feel free to comment and share your toughts.

The Unrecommendables hired a whisper named Jettilyn to help them out.

The Unrecommendables hired a whisper named Jettilyn to help them out.

The Unrecommendables hired a whisper named Jettilyn to help them out. She’s all fancy and spooky, she can gesture and make things move (like pulling things out of peoples’ hands and so on.) So does this whisper have telekinesis?

No. She has a harness with three magical jars connected to it. Each jar has a lid that matches a ring she wears. Using the ring, she commands the ghost trapped in the jar. So, she can have up to three ghosts doing her will at any given point (but the more she uses, the harder they are to control.)

This usage wears the ghosts out, so she periodically uses a ritual (or goes shopping) to get some electroplasm to refurbish their forms.