Looking for 1 additional player to join a newly founded crew of Hawkers.

Looking for 1 additional player to join a newly founded crew of Hawkers.

Looking for 1 additional player to join a newly founded crew of Hawkers. Message me if you’re interested! Games are Monday nights at 830pm EST. We play using Roll20 and Skype.

The Unseen are a massive presence within the city, brokering secrets and inciting chaos through coordinated attacks on specific institutions. Ario Vicci, an imperial from the capital is looking into his retirement. He’s reached out to you and doubled down on your crew to make himself a few extra coin before skipping town. In his wake, he’ll leave you with the knowledge you need to keep your crew together and thrive off the darkest needs of the city.

Deutschsprachige Crew von Shadows sucht weiteren Schurken, der in Doskvol groß ‘rauskommen will.

Deutschsprachige Crew von Shadows sucht weiteren Schurken, der in Doskvol groß ‘rauskommen will.

Deutschsprachige Crew von Shadows sucht weiteren Schurken, der in Doskvol groß ‘rauskommen will. Wir spielen Donnerstags 19:30 Uhr bis ca. 22:30 Uhr auf roll20.net. Die Termine sind fix, alle 2 Wochen, was hoffentlich allen die Planung erleichert.

Bisher vorhanden sind ein unfreiwilliger Volksheld aus Skovland (Playbook Hound) und ein abgebrochener Jurastudent aus ehemals reichem Haus, der der Meinung ist, dass die Welt ihm was schuldet (Playbook Spider). Das HQ im Dachboden der ehemaligen Oper in Six Towers (Arms of the Weeping) wurde frisch bezogen und alle sind gespannt auf den nächsten Score.

Sie stehen dabei noch ganz am Anfang, d.h. ein weiterer Spieler/PC kann die noch grundlegende Entscheidungen mittreffen (kann, muss aber nicht).

Anforderung an Dich als Spieler ist, dass Du möglichst regelmäßig dabei bist und wenn das nicht geht, zeitnah und proaktiv absagst.

Interesse? Cool! Bitte kurze Info als Anmerkung und ich kontaktiere Dich.

I am looking for an online group to play with on Tuesday or Wednesday nights.

I am looking for an online group to play with on Tuesday or Wednesday nights.

I am looking for an online group to play with on Tuesday or Wednesday nights. Am currently playing an IRL campaign normally on Wednesday mornings/afternoons. I am not an experienced tabletop gamer, so I would not at this point be comfortable being the GM, just want to find a good group of people to play with online.

Seeking additional 1-2 players and/or a GM for PbP action!

Seeking additional 1-2 players and/or a GM for PbP action!

Seeking additional 1-2 players and/or a GM for PbP action!

We are 3 active and highly motivated players who lost our GM. We’ll be rotating GMing on an approximately per-score basis unless a full-time GM is interested in taking the reins. The game is being played on Myth Weavers.

Comment if interested!

The Soul Merchants: Testplay

The Soul Merchants: Testplay

The Soul Merchants: Testplay

I’m looking for players for an online test-play of my Blades one-shot. In “The Soul Merchants,” you play a crew of dealers and purveyors for perhaps the most desperate vice of all – you cater to those addicted to being possessed by ghosts.

When? Wednesday, March 15th, at 19:00 GMT.

How long? A four-hour game.

How do I sign up? Send me a private message on Roll20: https://app.roll20.net/users/864596/ziv-w . Please tell me how much experience you’ve got with Blades — Seasoned hand? Never heard of it? Read the rules? — I’m aiming to get a good mix 🙂


Hey all!

Hey all!

Hey all!

Watching Bloodletters and Rollplay: Blades got me and a few other people I know interested in playing Blades. We have little personal tabletop experience, however we’ve all watched our fair share. With that in mind, none of us really feel up to GMing a game, so we’re on the hunt.

We would be limited to voice (no video). I imagine we would use Roll20. Unless something changes schedule-wise, weekly games on the weekend or Monday night (CST) is probably our best bet.

We’ve talked characters and crew a little bit, but nothing concrete at this point. We’re flexible for the most part and open to ideas.

If anyone is interested, let me know!

I am looking for 3-4 players for a new Blades in the Dark (v8.1) game.

I am looking for 3-4 players for a new Blades in the Dark (v8.1) game.

I am looking for 3-4 players for a new Blades in the Dark (v8.1) game. The game will be played (mostly) weekly on Sundays from 2pm-6pm CDT on Roll20 using voice and video. The first game is scheduled for next Sunday (March 12th) where will create the characters and crew together.

I am an experienced GM — although I have not run BitD before, I have played it a few times.

Let’s play some daring scoundrels in a fledgling crew in Doskvol together!