Anyone have some examples they’re willing to share of Social based Scores?
I gave my players a job offer from an angry merchant who wanted to make The Hive pay for not letting him into their club, but they turned it around on me and want to double cross the merchant, trying to get back on The Hive’s good side by bluffing the merchant that they’ll take the job, but then selling him out by telling The Hive about the plans.
The crew is currently at -2 status with The Hive, so it won’t be easy, but I’m not sure what I want to do with it. I’m thinking I want to run a scene of them making contact/setting up the meeting (the Engagement Roll), meeting with the bigwigs, maybe a threat from the 2nd in command, possibly trying to kill the PCs, that the leader doesn’t know about, then whatever resolution falls out. I’m not sure how that feels different from stuff done during Free Play, though. Any thoughts? I also considered having one of The Hive’s enemies stage an attack while the players are meeting with them.