$30 bucks to 160K and the Edda!
$30 bucks to 160K and the Edda!
$30 bucks to 160K and the Edda!
$30 bucks to 160K and the Edda!
$30 bucks to 160K and the Edda!
With 27 hours left, be sure to let people know if they back it they can get the main game plus 17 re-skins of the…
With 27 hours left, be sure to let people know if they back it they can get the main game plus 17 re-skins of the game so long as they back with 20 or higher. Maybe we can knock out this next goal.
Let’s make monsters!
Let’s make monsters!
Well, more animals. What kind of flora and fauna might have survived the Shattering?
-Wraith flowers: glowing, tulip-like flowers often used by the wealthy (they only grow in the wastes) as a indulgent lamp of sorts. Must be planted in the corrupted soil found outside the cities.
-Tumbleshrooms: large-capped fungi whos tops fall off and roll away. Often found in the sewers of Duskwall, their caps floating in filth. Can be used to make a power hallucinogen or, if mixed with wraith-flower oil, a remarkably deadly poison known as “Tymarra’s Kiss”.
-Cacklesnake: a desert-dwelling viper whos venom creates a paranoid, hysterical madness in the victim. If envenomed enough the victim will suffer permanent brain damage and be reduced to a mad wretch. Used as a poison and to make the drug known as “Chitter”. Chitter addicts are known by their manic stare and near-constant giggling from the hazy euphoria of the drug.
Well, work calls! 🙂
I’ve been brainstorming some Shattered Isles tech. By all means add!
I’ve been brainstorming some Shattered Isles tech. By all means add!
-Electroplasmic blades
-Garret’s arrows (a must!).
-Electroplasmic explosives. Highly unstable and illegal. A death-sentence to possess.
-A rig for non-whispers to see the possessed (expensive and proprietary; used by higher-tier official agents).
-“Light” prosthetics (Garret’s eye).
-“Demon-tech” (made from demonic parts; illegal and dangerous). Examples: A coat made of demon-skin that gives the wearer the ability climb walls like a spider. The wearer gains larger, all-black eyes and leaves wispy, web-like strands while climbing that disappear a few hours after use.
A choker made from U’Duashan brass that gives the bearer the power to bend wills through speaking. Leaves the taste of blood on the bearer’s tongue.
“Eye of Urfane” (a demon’s eye, fueled by refined leviathan blood. Grants the ability to scry, even through powerful wards. Lost and greatly sought after).
-Ghost-mine (think “Ghostbusters”).
-“The Book of Cold Martyrs” (a legendary tome with the secret names of Skovlan heroes. Allows the reader to call forth the spectral memory of great Skovlan leaders who died in defense of Skovlan freedom).
*In my “world” to call another Skovlan “cold-blooded” or “cold” is a honorific. It heralds the oldest days when Skovlan tribes roamed the harsh, freezing wastes, surviving against incredible odds. To call a Skovlan “warm-blooded” is a great slight.
Penny Arcade Forums Hype
Penny Arcade Forums Hype
Someone started a thread about Blades over there. Anyone here a member of that forum? It would be great if you could chat it up there during the final KS push!
Looks like we will be pulling some Italian Jobs as well
Looks like we will be pulling some Italian Jobs as well
Dead can Dance’s dark wave album aion seems like a good fit for Scott Lynch or Duskwall it’s pretty odd and so if…
Dead can Dance’s dark wave album aion seems like a good fit for Scott Lynch or Duskwall it’s pretty odd and so if you think gothy music sucks you might not be into it but there’s odd classical music throwbacks as well as eastern style chants cool beats and some neat lyrics… I like it because it’s not that obtrusive you can just put it in the background …
BitD has a lot of different cool mechanics that might be actual “scenes” if the group decides they’re interested in…
BitD has a lot of different cool mechanics that might be actual “scenes” if the group decides they’re interested in the details.
I’m finding as I run it that I want to try to be more explicit about the level of detail we’re going to get into for any given mechanic before we enter into it. Whether it’s first or third person, how much is actual dialogue and how much is a conveyance of the general nature of a conversation, etc. These are things I struggle with a bit when running all RPGs.
The game is flexible enough that nothing breaks and we can navigate through it, but following some of the scenes I feel like either:
1) I didn’t provide a level of detail/color that was sufficient for the scene because I didn’t quite have a handle on the level of detail that would be appropriate when entering into the scene/mechanic and
2) The other players and I may have had different expectations about how much would be covered or glossed over.
You can negotiate all that during or before and it’s fine but I’ll be curious what the final game text says about some of these issues. While we’re playing I feel like we’re sort of “finding our way forward with generosity” similar to games like Fiasco or Archipelago, but with mechanics more akin some other games.
It’s going to take some practice, I think.
I just noticed that the Slide can take Bazso as a friend.
I just noticed that the Slide can take Bazso as a friend. That makes the QS adventure much more interesting, given his role in it.
Just listened to “Furnace Room Lullaby” (the theme song noted in the PDF) like seven times while reading through the…
Just listened to “Furnace Room Lullaby” (the theme song noted in the PDF) like seven times while reading through the quickstart rules. Once I got the lyrics down I couldn’t help but think that it’s Lyssa being haunted by the murder of Roric!
Anyone else get that vibe?