Just updated to V3f.
Fifth session and things are finally starting to jive. I’m not doing a full-on AP, just sharing some notes on the update and questions/problems we’re experiencing.
• What did Stitch get absorbed into?
• We like that Desperate rolls are recorded in the playbook advancement. But we miss that they can be used to augment Attribute advancement.
• We’re finally getting used to jamming right into an operation without planning first. Tonight, the crew had to get into a house and kill a guy. The Lurk did one preliminary scope-out of the house, and they decided they needed to hire a Whisper type to get past some wards. We quickly decided to retroactively lump those things into 0stress flashbacks and pretend like we were doing the job without planning. Like I said in an earlier post, what’s the point of spending time doing information gathering before an operation if Flashbacks are supposed to be a cool thing to use? It’s definitely a learned behavior to do it this way but tonight we had fun and actually popped a couple of flashbacks mid-mission. Hovever:
• What happens if you fail a flashback roll?
• Resistance rolls vs. Consequences. As written: “You may attempt to avoid or reduce a consequence with a resistance roll.” Still trying to wrap my head around this when the consequence is a complication, like “there are more dudes in the room than you expected” or “the guy you’re about to shank is actually a really potent ghost”. Those are supposed to be able to be resisted with a roll and expense of stress, but I’m still having a hard time with that fictionally. Tonight, our Hound rushed into a room to take out a lackey, and it ended up being this weird ghost as a complication. He rolled to resist, and couldn’t afford the stress, so he let it be. We thought about it for a bit, and I realized that “it’s really a ghost” isn’t enough of a complication. “it’s really a ghost and it’s going to attack you and you’re unprepared” is a better one, and if he resists it, it’s still really a ghost but he has a second to get his electroplasm-loaded pistols out first. How does that sound?
• Clocks. Getting the hang of these too. Starting to use more simple actions, and clocks for alerts and notice instead of ones for gauging completion. Just easier that way.
• Leveling up. We’ve played 5 sessions and we’re not even close to moving up. We like all of the maneuvering, lobbying and striking that has to be done to make a level-up happen, but we’re getting enough experience to really get our actions above 3 but can’t because we don’t have the upgrade. Maybe I’m missing something?
• We feel like, overall, there is a lot of dot-connecting that needs to be done. We see how it’s supposed to work, but we’re still left head-scratching sometimes. Great rules in one spot, vague rules in others, no rules where there should be. But we’re still having LOTS of fun.