So, I guess that’s a question for the book, but where the hell is the different neighbourhoods of Duskwall located.

So, I guess that’s a question for the book, but where the hell is the different neighbourhoods of Duskwall located.

So, I guess that’s a question for the book, but where the hell is the different neighbourhoods of Duskwall located. I mean, I can figure that the Docks are west of Crow’s Foot. But… otherwise…?

hey! Just wanted to say hello and make also known to John Harper

hey! Just wanted to say hello and make also known to John Harper

hey! Just wanted to say hello and make also known to John Harper 

 that we are many Spanish and other languages fans of their games, especially Ghostlines / Blades in the Dark.

Some I might not be very active at this time in the community because of the language barrier, but we love the game and we always try to be attentive to the news, clarification of the rules and the contributions of other fans. 

Do folks have a favorite Devil’s Bargain?

Do folks have a favorite Devil’s Bargain?

Do folks have a favorite Devil’s Bargain? I’ve really liked ‘so-and-so will remember you’ for various non-combat rolls, where the rogues are trying to be discreet. It lets me come back later with some consequences the players agreed to – with that person showing up with a small gang for various reasons. It also gives them incentive to slay that person and gain more heat. (And then the person’s ghost can still potentially finger the PC.)

Just updated to V3f.

Just updated to V3f.

Just updated to V3f.

Fifth session and things are finally starting to jive. I’m not doing a full-on AP, just sharing some notes on the update and questions/problems we’re experiencing.

• What did Stitch get absorbed into?

• We like that Desperate rolls are recorded in the playbook advancement. But we miss that they can be used to augment Attribute advancement.

• We’re finally getting used to jamming right into an operation without planning first. Tonight, the crew had to get into a house and kill a guy. The Lurk did one preliminary scope-out of the house, and they decided they needed to hire a Whisper type to get past some wards. We quickly decided to retroactively lump those things into 0stress flashbacks and pretend like we were doing the job without planning. Like I said in an earlier post, what’s the point of spending time doing information gathering before an operation if Flashbacks are supposed to be a cool thing to use? It’s definitely a learned behavior to do it this way but tonight we had fun and actually popped a couple of flashbacks mid-mission. Hovever:

• What happens if you fail a flashback roll?

• Resistance rolls vs. Consequences. As written: “You may attempt to avoid or reduce a consequence with a resistance roll.” Still trying to wrap my head around this when the consequence is a complication, like “there are more dudes in the room than you expected” or “the guy you’re about to shank is actually a really potent ghost”. Those are supposed to be able to be resisted with a roll and expense of stress, but I’m still having a hard time with that fictionally. Tonight, our Hound rushed into a room to take out a lackey, and it ended up being this weird ghost as a complication. He rolled to resist, and couldn’t afford the stress, so he let it be. We thought about it for a bit, and I realized that “it’s really a ghost” isn’t enough of a complication. “it’s really a ghost and it’s going to attack you and you’re unprepared” is a better one, and if he resists it, it’s still really a ghost but he has a second to get his electroplasm-loaded pistols out first. How does that sound?

• Clocks. Getting the hang of these too. Starting to use more simple actions, and clocks for alerts and notice instead of ones for gauging completion. Just easier that way.

• Leveling up. We’ve played 5 sessions and we’re not even close to moving up. We like all of the maneuvering, lobbying and striking that has to be done to make a level-up happen, but we’re getting enough experience to really get our actions above 3 but can’t because we don’t have the upgrade. Maybe I’m missing something?

• We feel like, overall, there is a lot of dot-connecting that needs to be done. We see how it’s supposed to work, but we’re still left head-scratching sometimes. Great rules in one spot, vague rules in others, no rules where there should be. But we’re still having LOTS of fun.




Ok, please be patient, because I STILL don’t get it!

First, determine positioning. Then, determine starting effect. Perhaps, account for modifiers.

HOW do I decide the startig effect? By gut? In my mind, it should be THE ROLL which decides the outcome, not a player/GM. “Sounds like a dominant position with reduced effect.”

WHY?!? If the situation determines the starting effect, and there are no factors counting, why should I even roll?

“Let’s make it desperate, instead” What if a player disagrees?

The modifiers and the way to use them, are clear. The starting point is not.

Please, help.

Alchemist: You can tinker with chemicals and arcane substances

Alchemist: You can tinker with chemicals and arcane substances

Alchemist: You can tinker with chemicals and arcane substances 

to create poisons, drugs, and mixtures that produce supernatural 

effects. Answer the GM’s questions to create the substance (page 25).

I can’t see anything at pag. 25. That it the same page of that character sheet, indeed.

I think could be useful to put in “player reference” page a table with the Teamwork actions, and the related results…

I think could be useful to put in “player reference” page a table with the Teamwork actions, and the related results…

I think could be useful to put in “player reference” page a table with the Teamwork actions, and the related results if applied.

There’s plenty of space in that page 🙂

I’m really psyched about this game!

I’m really psyched about this game!

I’m really psyched about this game!

I’m curious to hear thoughts on this. How might you use the rules to do something like AW’s read a person and read a sitch, where the outcome of a roll tells you how many questions from a list you’re allowed to ask?