So; Turf.
What’s an example of a score a gang of thieves would use to secure some ‘ordinary’ +1 hold kind of turf? I’m actually having a bit of a mental block on what this actually would look like.
So; Turf.
So; Turf.
What’s an example of a score a gang of thieves would use to secure some ‘ordinary’ +1 hold kind of turf? I’m actually having a bit of a mental block on what this actually would look like.
A rules question re: Resistance rolls.
A rules question re: Resistance rolls.
When you make a resistance roll to avoid a consequence, are you then obligated to accept the stress and avoid the consequence, or can you then decide you liked the consequence better after all?
Like, lets say a character is doing the proverbial leap from rooftop to rooftop and they blow it and drop to the street below. Maybe I decide to assign them lesser harm in the form of a twisted ankle. The player decides to roll resistance, but rolls really badly – they’d take 5 stress to avoid that consequence, and that would cause trauma because the character already has some stress. Can the player decide to take the twisted ankle instead?
My instinct says ‘no’, because otherwise trauma doesn’t seem like it would happen practically ever, but I wanted to get the official word.
So. Firstly, I gotta ask.
So. Firstly, I gotta ask.
Forgery, how the hell do a PC pull that off?
Second, if a Faction (Lampblacks) manages to complete their goal in wiping out their rivals in the Red Sashes? What happens to the stuff that the Sashes had access to? Like, the Alchemist?
I know my players are considering to grab him, but cab they do that at all? I don’t think they can afford a Specialist at the moment
Hey all
Hey all,
I wanted to back this project and get what comes with it but I couldn’t find any buttons to do so on the kickstarter page. All the tiers were there, some said they had ran out but I wanted to back one that was still there. Am I doing something wrong or is the project not receiving backers anymore?
So I decided to give Blades in the dark a shot tomorrow night.
So I decided to give Blades in the dark a shot tomorrow night. I read the quick start rules and I think I can do this. What advice would you give to someone running their first game of Blades? What traps should I avoid?
Also, the new Vice called Pain?
Also, the new Vice called Pain?
What does that cover? Sadism? Masochism?
For my next session, I want to expand a bit on the supernatural side of Duskwall.
For my next session, I want to expand a bit on the supernatural side of Duskwall. One idea is from a Devil’s Bargain that happened last time.
The Hound asked for a Bargain, and she got this. The first Bluecoat she iced during the battle was her own cousin.
As she’s a butcher’s daughter from Charterhall, this will of course come back to haunt her with guilt. And perhaps a ghost.
(Considering to have her attend the wake. But… with the Church being the Church of Ecstasy, I suppose that would be… off.)
So. I’m looking for suggestions for supernatural encounters to freak the players.
Some idea generation for weird weapons from these Cracked article…
Some idea generation for weird weapons from these Cracked article and the followup
Congratulations on reaching 1,500 members plus! Wow!
Congratulations on reaching 1,500 members plus! Wow!
What the hell is a Shrike? I found it mentioned in some talk from earlier?
What the hell is a Shrike? I found it mentioned in some talk from earlier?
Former name of the Hound?