missed this on the kickstarter, any way of getting in on the quickstart rules post kickstarter?

missed this on the kickstarter, any way of getting in on the quickstart rules post kickstarter?

missed this on the kickstarter, any way of getting in on the quickstart rules post kickstarter?

As the six weeks behind the November completion date is starting to look very immediate I’d like to ask if we are…

As the six weeks behind the November completion date is starting to look very immediate I’d like to ask if we are…

As the six weeks behind the November completion date is starting to look very immediate I’d like to ask if we are going to be continuing to get updates to the QS or are you getting close to putting the complete base project into editing and layout?

What is the status on  the stretch goals so far?

Thanks for anything you can update us with.

Possibly a dumb question but I can’t find mention of it anywhere in the current version: how many Coin do individual…

Possibly a dumb question but I can’t find mention of it anywhere in the current version: how many Coin do individual…

Possibly a dumb question but I can’t find mention of it anywhere in the current version: how many Coin do individual characters start with? I know the crew overall starts with 2 – is that meant to be the pool of all the coin for everyone in the crew? Also, one of my players took the Noble background (he’s a rich kid in this for the kicks) so I’d think he would certainly have access to more than 2 coin but what’s the point where it becomes unbalancing?

I’m playing a game with my moderators and one is really trying to wrangle most of his gun attacks into Hunt, when…

I’m playing a game with my moderators and one is really trying to wrangle most of his gun attacks into Hunt, when…

I’m playing a game with my moderators and one is really trying to wrangle most of his gun attacks into Hunt, when some feel more like Skirmish?

Can y’all help me sort out what’s what?

Idea: Early Access PDF Deal

Idea: Early Access PDF Deal

Idea: Early Access PDF Deal

Here’s a thing I’m considering. What do you think?

I get a lot of requests from people who missed the kickstarter, about buying in late, or getting a pre-order deal, or whatever. I’ve had nebulous plans of various sorts but haven’t put anything in motion.

Now I’m considering something similar to what indie video games have done: offering a digital “early access” product on DriveThru RPG. Basically, it would be the current quick start PDF, for sale at the standard Blades PDF price. You’d get early access to the basic content now, plus all future updates to the game (including the finished complete game PDF).

This deal would not include the special edition add-ons from the kickstarter (since my arrangement with those content creators was limited to the KS only). It would be the core Blades stuff only.

What do you think? Good idea? I especially care what KS backers think. I don’t want to make your current early access ‘less special’ but maybe that’s not a big deal.

Would it unbalance the game if I adjusted the Flashback rules so, if the roll produced a 1-3 result, they would not…

Would it unbalance the game if I adjusted the Flashback rules so, if the roll produced a 1-3 result, they would not…

Would it unbalance the game if I adjusted the Flashback rules so, if the roll produced a 1-3 result, they would not have to pay the Stress (excluding stress paid over the course of the Flashback itself e.g. Push Yourself)?

When Tabletop Gaming magazine first hit the stands at Expo this year, one of the things I noticed was that it was…

When Tabletop Gaming magazine first hit the stands at Expo this year, one of the things I noticed was that it was…

When Tabletop Gaming magazine first hit the stands at Expo this year, one of the things I noticed was that it was primarily focussed on the board game end of things.  With this in mind, I approached them with a view to featuring more content regarding RPGs and roleplaying in general, after all, gaming doesn’t just occur on boards.

They agreed…

A lurk PC of mine wants to acquire what amounts to a magic weapon.

A lurk PC of mine wants to acquire what amounts to a magic weapon.

A lurk PC of mine wants to acquire what amounts to a magic weapon. He wants a dagger that will momentarily paralyze anyone he wounds, and he wants it to be a permanent addition to his equipment list. Not wanting to just say no, I told him I’d think about it. I have a few thoughts, but what would you guys do in this situation?