Our group is has a mildly fluctuating number of players, and because of that, an odd and interesting thing has come…
Our group is has a mildly fluctuating number of players, and because of that, an odd and interesting thing has come up.
The game difficulty varies highly with the number of players at the table. Specifically, going from three to two noticeably taxed my group’s downtime resources. They went from taking care of most of the resource problems (stress, heat, wounds) and having 1-2 coin left over, to spending every single coin and still having a significant heat problem.
Has this been the experience of anyone else?
I guess this shouldn’t be surprising – every player is basically worth 2 coin at downtime. Some of that is gone to deal with personal stress or wounds, but the amount of resource tax is generally determined by your setting’s action-to-grit scale, and doesn’t really rise with added players – if anything, it decreases, because they can specialize more and thus don’t need to take it on the chin as often.
My players are troopers and I rather enjoy making things be painful for them, so we are more than fine with things the way they are, but this might be a thing to keep in mind when setting up your own game!