Evil Hat announces the Blades in the Dark PDF currently scheduled for release January 30:…

Evil Hat announces the Blades in the Dark PDF currently scheduled for release January 30:…

Evil Hat announces the Blades in the Dark PDF currently scheduled for release January 30: http://www.evilhat.com/home/project-status/


My open-table / megacampaign is off to a great start.

My open-table / megacampaign is off to a great start.

My open-table / megacampaign is off to a great start. I have ~20 players on the list and we’ve had 5 sessions so far (two of which were two GM double sessions).

This Sunday I’m running a GM training session for a few of the players who are interested in GMing. I’m planning to start by going over the GM tips section of the rules, offer other advice around creating scores and keeping players engaged. Then we’re going to have a bunch of quick GM sessions where the trainees can GM vignettes and then get feedback from the rest of us.

Any other thoughts or advice for how to run it?

Do you know that Feeling when you have this really awesome Idea for a Character but no way to play him?

Do you know that Feeling when you have this really awesome Idea for a Character but no way to play him?

Do you know that Feeling when you have this really awesome Idea for a Character but no way to play him?

My Idea is a Leech, which creates his Alchemy through deep sea horror fish. He looks like an old fishermen with one Eye slightly bigger than the other and he lives in a small grotto not far from a destroyed lighthouse.

His Vice would be weird, because he sometimes likes to talk with his weird companions, which are halfway transformed fishmen or Ghosts of his old companions.

I’ve started watching A Series of Unfortunate Events on Netflix and am very tempted to narrate my first Blades game…

I’ve started watching A Series of Unfortunate Events on Netflix and am very tempted to narrate my first Blades game…

I’ve started watching A Series of Unfortunate Events on Netflix and am very tempted to narrate my first Blades game in the style of Patrick Warburton’s Lemony Snicket.

Sometimes Glyphis has a great idea for what the scoundrel symbol for “The Hands of Charhollow” should be.

Sometimes Glyphis has a great idea for what the scoundrel symbol for “The Hands of Charhollow” should be.

Sometimes Glyphis has a great idea for what the scoundrel symbol for “The Hands of Charhollow” should be.

Also, question for John, in your brain, is Glyphis basically Hadrathi? (sp?) In my head, the entire font is just the most commonly used characters in that language.

Hi All, so first off I ama huge fan of the game and the setting, John Harper I salute you ……

Hi All, so first off I ama huge fan of the game and the setting, John Harper I salute you ……

Hi All, so first off I ama huge fan of the game and the setting, John Harper I salute you ……

So quick question I have been watching the blood letters on YouTube. And my question is the Roll20 sheets are they available to use? The graphics where amazing. And if so can some one tell me how to install. I really would like to wow my players …..

Anyway thanks for the help in advance and everyone here keep up the amazing work

I’ve a wonder to what might be the tech level before the sun was shattered.

I’ve a wonder to what might be the tech level before the sun was shattered.

I’ve a wonder to what might be the tech level before the sun was shattered. I think it might be neat if the anchient lavianthen hunter ships might be modern day steel ships, and some deadlands salvage might ve modern day electronics, but without the proper electric setups or gasoline or solar, mostly a source of glass and wire. I know it can be cheesy even since when it was popular in the 80s, but seems too clasic not to try. What pre fall eras do you have in your games?

So in terms of the game’s lore and pre-made history and characters, the pdf does an okay job of giving the general…

So in terms of the game’s lore and pre-made history and characters, the pdf does an okay job of giving the general…

So in terms of the game’s lore and pre-made history and characters, the pdf does an okay job of giving the general layout and important NPCs, but I at times see references to people and organizations that I see no other mention of anywhere. Now I assume this is partly on purpose to allow the GM to build upon the lore further on their own, but part of me wants to know more about this amazingly chaotic and dark world. Does anyone know of any sources that flesh out the various characters and groups of the world further? Is that something we can expect in the full game?