After seeing the concepts for illusionist in a post bellow, I thought I’d start a discussion.

After seeing the concepts for illusionist in a post bellow, I thought I’d start a discussion.

After seeing the concepts for illusionist in a post bellow, I thought I’d start a discussion. What cool or interesting Playbooks can we come up with?

Are Lady Thorn (p288, leader of the Deathlands Scavengers) and Sister Thorn (p299, vice purveyor in the Deathland…

Are Lady Thorn (p288, leader of the Deathlands Scavengers) and Sister Thorn (p299, vice purveyor in the Deathland…

Are Lady Thorn (p288, leader of the Deathlands Scavengers) and Sister Thorn (p299, vice purveyor in the Deathland Scavengers) different people or is that a mistake? Or is it up to us to decide?

An idea I had…

An idea I had…

An idea I had…

Vaedh (“Ar” is a Skovlan prefix for “new”) was the grand capitol and pride of Skovlan. The stone marvel spanned a large portion of the Emerald Shield (the name of the cliff of beautiful, green stone on the southern border of the island and bulwark against invasion). The Shattering splintered the Shield into massive spires of jagged, towering stone, the once-beautiful green now sickly. Mighty Vaedh plunged into the hungry ink, its inhabitants swallowed by stone and sea as the world broke.

Where once stood a city to rival fabled Kar’uatha (kingdom of the Other Ones, fae-like beings of legend) now stands Arvaedh, a grim and stalwart collection of steel and stone platforms linked by bridges of the same. The capitol of Skovlan and seat of Imperial power in the north. It is a city broken in body and spirit, but it still endures, a testament to the people of this harsh land.

An oddity of Arvaedh is the horizontal lightning barriers below the platforms, preventing ghosts from “climbing” to harass the living. Falling (or being thrown down) into the barriers is called “greeting Grenjhal” (the Skov god of storms).

Vaedh still resides far below its surrogate city, the shattered remains clustered around the spire bases and drowned in the waves of black. The deathlands scavengers (as well as foolhardy and desperate relic hunters) toil in this accursed place, tasked with bringing back the “glories and wonders Vaedh”. A poor excuse those in power give to justify plundering the past in the hopes of more power. Coveted most is Ahgurm’s Eye, a ruby the size of a man’s head and fabled to have given power over dragons.

First off, the finished Blades In The Dark is an incredible thing.

First off, the finished Blades In The Dark is an incredible thing.

First off, the finished Blades In The Dark is an incredible thing. Unlimited appreciation, respect, and gratitude to John Harper!

Second off, a question about progress clocks. How do you GMs present them to the players? All public knowledge? Some kept secret as a gauge of how things are going? In my demo games I have them public to teach how the system works. I’m just interested to see how people use them in their own games.

Third off, I’ll be running Blades for Games On Demand at PAX East this weekend. If anyone wants to get a game in, stop by.

A new version of the Roll20 character sheet will be going live later today.

A new version of the Roll20 character sheet will be going live later today.

A new version of the Roll20 character sheet will be going live later today. In case you are wondering where the factions on the crew sheet went: they’re on the the new faction page (click the “crew mode” button at the top to get to it).

The existing factions+status+notes are dumped into a text field on that page, for you to fill in after generating the factions.

Also, check out the “Add abilities” and “Add friends/contacts” buttons in the settings menu. Just in case you don’t like entering stuff into fields yourself…

In the Bloodletters campaign, John very briefly introduced a character named Zamira (Link:…

In the Bloodletters campaign, John very briefly introduced a character named Zamira (Link:…

In the Bloodletters campaign, John very briefly introduced a character named Zamira (Link: ) that was an Iruvian Whisper, and she was noted as having a demon whip. It was described as a coil of metal wire, and you crack your demon whip to make your demon do your bidding. I’ve just begun playing an Iruvian Whisper, and would greatly appreciate any thoughts on this that I might be able to borrow.

What do you guys imagine a demon whip might do, exactly, and how does it make your demon do your bidding? Is this related to the Iruvian version of the Compel power? Do the whips have any particular special abilities, like being the demonic equivalent of Lightning Hooks, and thus Potent against demons? And what do you think that the whip is made out of? Copper, or iron, or silver maybe? Would demons you don’t have under your direct power hate and fear you for carrying such a thing?

Does a Leech have to use the crafting rules in order to select gadgets?

Does a Leech have to use the crafting rules in order to select gadgets?

Does a Leech have to use the crafting rules in order to select gadgets? If so, it seems the gadgets part of the playbook is weak. If not, too strong. Thoughts? Ideas? An obvious thing I’m missing to smack me upside the head with?

I’m running my second session tomorrow and I’ve got some questions and clarifications before going into it.

I’m running my second session tomorrow and I’ve got some questions and clarifications before going into it.

I’m running my second session tomorrow and I’ve got some questions and clarifications before going into it. Thought I’d bundle them here:

The first couple have to do with items:

-The rules state that the Tinker’s alchemicals recharge every downtime, but what about the consumable items that other characters have. Does the Cutter’s vial of Rage Essence get restored in downtime, for instance? My gut says yes, as long as they have reasonable access to a workshop or supplier (like the Tinker), but I thought I’d ask anyway.

-On p. 226, there’s a list of “Sample Creations” , which are explicitly called out as being well-known and thus not requiring a Invention long-term project before crafting them. On the next page, 227, there are “Sample Special Formulas” and “Sample Gadgets & Special Plans”. Are these also meant to be well-known, or should they require Invention before crafting them?

My other question has to do with Faction Status. P. 45 says that operations against another faction should result in -1 or -2 status with them. But say you’re already at -2 status with a faction – according to the description, they expect you to attack them, as long as it doesn’t cause you serious problems. So should acting as expected cause further negative status?

Thanks for any responses!