It’s not strictly speaking art, but it just seemed to scream Whisper and I figured someone else might appreciate it.

It’s not strictly speaking art, but it just seemed to scream Whisper and I figured someone else might appreciate it.

It’s not strictly speaking art, but it just seemed to scream Whisper and I figured someone else might appreciate it… “Art” felt closest to a “Resources” channel

So, I’m not a gun guy, but I do appreciate historical firearms.

So, I’m not a gun guy, but I do appreciate historical firearms.

Originally shared by Jay Loomis

So, I’m not a gun guy, but I do appreciate historical firearms. If I could have one gun from history, I’d probably choose something like this extra long and lean wheel lock pistol that I saw at the Met last week while I was in NYC. I’m sure it’d be finicky and temperamental, but it’s just so pretty! 

I am a particular sucker for octagon-to-round barrels with ornate but not too rococo decoration.