Working on some other character portraits for our Scum & Villany game: here is the synth former-sexbot now-scoundrel:
Working on some other character portraits for our Scum & Villany game: here is the synth former-sexbot now-scoundrel:
Working on some other character portraits for our Scum & Villany game: here is the synth former-sexbot now-scoundrel:
Maybe some artful words, too?
Maybe some artful words, too?
I stumbled upon a protest pamphlet of disgruntled English shipwrights from 1775. I’ll quote a bit from it, maybe it proves to be inspirational:
And it came to pass in the Reign of Georgius, that there arose great Murmurings among the Men of the King’s Yards, yea among the Men who did build great Ships, even Ships of War, for they were sore oppressed.
Then the Men of Portsmouth and the Men of Plymouth were divided into Companies, and they chose two Elders out of the Men of each Company that they might commune together, and the Men said one to another what soever seemeth good in the fight of the Elders that will we do.
And the Elders communed together, and said, the Burthens which the Task-masters have laid upon our Brethren are too heavy for us to bear.
Wherefore let us lay down our Axes, and our Augers, and our Hammers, and turn our backs upon the Task-masters, for we will serve them no longer, unless they will remove those Burthens, from our shoulders, yea those Burthens which they have laid so heavy upon us.
And it came to pass that early in Morning on the next Day, the Men of Plymouth and the Elders did gather themselves together in the Valley that lyeth between Mount Billinho, and the Mount of Widom, over against is the Mount of the Lord, on the banks of the river Tamer.
And the Elders and the People communed with another, and the spake comfortable to one another, and the Spirit of Liberty entered into every one of them, for as Iron sharpneth Iron, so doth the Heart of a Man his Friend.
Got through #ScumAndVillany and it’s been hard not to include ALL of the universe.
Got through #ScumAndVillany and it’s been hard not to include ALL of the universe. There’s a lot of nuggets of good gaming in there for our current Borderlands-y campaign. Since they’ve been using Baftoma as a meeting ground for their pirate alliance, I thought I’d throw together an image. (I try to start and end most sessions with a space shot and a twangy guitar riff from this game’s playlist.) Keep up the good work Stras Acimovic, love what I’ve read so far!
Don’t let his pitch-black eyes and the fact that he’s a Tycherosi fool you, this Whisper’s a real charmer and…
Don’t let his pitch-black eyes and the fact that he’s a Tycherosi fool you, this Whisper’s a real charmer and popular with the ladies. Edlun Clermont hails from distant lands and often speaks of the voices of the deep coming to him in his dreams. He surely is a real standup guy and has NEVER MURDERED ANYONE IN HIS LIFE… on an unrelated note have any of you guys read American Psychopath?
My oneshot a few weeks ago was such a success, I’m running a campaign in like 3 weeks HYPE.
My oneshot a few weeks ago was such a success, I’m running a campaign in like 3 weeks HYPE. One of my players is a talented artist and has drawn some of the player characters, I’ll be sharing them as he makes them so no promise of consistency. Here we have Phin “Nails” Strangford the Skovlan Cutter, he’s got the strength of five men some say and it serves him well in the fighting pits of the Docks district. Known to have participated in the Skovlan War of Unity he holds a grudge against any and all Akorosi, looking to “put the hurt on” the nobility of the Doskvol
I am working on a character portrait for ‘Owl,’ my Xeno Mystic for Scum and Villany.
I am working on a character portrait for ‘Owl,’ my Xeno Mystic for Scum and Villany. He’s a four-foot-tall space-cat obsessed with Precursor artifacts. I will put my play thoughts elsewhere, but I was wondering if I could get some insight into some processes that would help ‘blades-up’ the resulting images, to tie it a little more in wth the source material. I am doing this all in photoshop (I cannot draw), but suggestions on textures, layering strategies, or processes are very welcome.
Something that has made me very happy: The electric filter in the Prisma app totally makes things look like the…
Something that has made me very happy: The electric filter in the Prisma app totally makes things look like the Ghost field. #spiritmask
For new game, wed 7pm GMT
For new game, wed 7pm GMT
..and that’s it for me folks.
..and that’s it for me folks. Our little campaign has drawn to close. One character dead, (shot in the face over an eldritch deal gone sour) one fled, (possibly insane and hunted by Lord Scurlock’s furies) and one read (his rights, off to Ironhook.) The Nightmarket Crew had a good run, but never made it past Tier 2. They made some money, spent it all on Vice and luxury and saw some things that man was not meant to see.
Maybe someday the Hound will get out of prison and mentor a new crew. Until then, I imagine that this daguerreotype is hanging up in a back room of the Harping Monkey, slowly gathering dust.
Anyhow, thank you John! This one was a lot of fun, and the second terrific campaign we’ve had from you. (Lasers & Feelings + Space Cadets: Dice Duel + Star Control 2 Universe = awesome.)
I’ll keep an eye on this Community, and look forward to seeing the final book and the U’Duasha follow-up!
For the vampire that needs blood in a campaign where instant fangs feel silly: a “corkscrew fork” that not only…
For the vampire that needs blood in a campaign where instant fangs feel silly: a “corkscrew fork” that not only penetrates the skin but also keeps the wound open.