Thoughts and questions as I prep the opening scenario/campaign. Any help is appreciated.

Thoughts and questions as I prep the opening scenario/campaign. Any help is appreciated.

Thoughts and questions as I prep the opening scenario/campaign. Any help is appreciated.

*Hold – I feel like I’m missing something here. Is there any reason to ever go to a “Strong” hold? You would go to a Firm hold to avoid getting knocked back a Tier during War, but there’s no benefit or reason to go to the highest Hold setting instead of just advancing a Tier, is there?

*The dueling clocks between the Red Sashes and Lampblacks (and race clocks in general) – I’ve been playing a lot of Numenera/Strange of late, and so maybe I’m thinking too much of that. It feels like almost all the die rolling could be done by the PC’s, and so I’m wondering – once the PC’s decide to back side X in a race clock scenario, how does side Y not simply fail?

To phrase another way, the PC’s back the Lampblacks and spend time, effort, and sessions to advance the Lampblacks in their goal of destroying the Red Sashes. So, session one, the Lampblacks tick off like 3 spokes on their clock, but the Red Sashes have no PC’s backing them and thus get nothing?

What am I missing that makes the second clock useful?