Was just wondering how everyone has been setting up the scores and how they tie in with factions.

Was just wondering how everyone has been setting up the scores and how they tie in with factions.

Was just wondering how everyone has been setting up the scores and how they tie in with factions.

If you rolled up a score from your hunting grounds, does the target need to be one of the factions near your hunting grounds.

Or more broadly do all scores need to be tied to some faction?

John Harper, I was wondering what the scope of social obstacles are.

John Harper, I was wondering what the scope of social obstacles are.

John Harper, I was wondering what the scope of social obstacles are.

As in, when the players face a particularly smooth talker, who insists they stay at the table and play cards. Can you ask the players to make a resistance roll? And if they fail are they bound to the result burning wheel style?

Do the rules assume that anyone can be swayed eventually (multiple clocks) or can the GM say that it’s an impossible task.