Hey guys, I have like, 3 games at the moment that I am a DM for so I would like to play for a change!

Hey guys, I have like, 3 games at the moment that I am a DM for so I would like to play for a change!

Hey guys, I have like, 3 games at the moment that I am a DM for so I would like to play for a change!

So I was hoping that playing BITD here would be a great place to start. Has anyone got any openings for a player, sometime mid week (can’t do weekends) in the GMT time zone on roll20 and discord/skype? Thanks!

Hey guys, I had a question about turf, hunting grounds and map marking.

Hey guys, I had a question about turf, hunting grounds and map marking.

Hey guys, I had a question about turf, hunting grounds and map marking. So, when creating a crew, how much of the map do you GMs colour in to represent starting turf/hunting grounds, and, when do you expand the size of that colour for the crew. Just when they purchase more turf? Or more abstract than that throughout the game?

I just have no idea how to handle hunting grounds and turf. Thanks guys.