Well well well, after killing the Grinders off the PC’s have basically pissed in both the spirit warden’s and…

Well well well, after killing the Grinders off the PC’s have basically pissed in both the spirit warden’s and…

Well well well, after killing the Grinders off the PC’s have basically pissed in both the spirit warden’s and Inspector’s tea. I’ve had a lot of fun with the spec-ops vibe and hi-tech hulls that the Spirit wardens employ, but what to do with the Inspectors then?

The only inspector that i’ve had onscreen had a badass clockwork arm, so cyborgs maybe? Hordes of bluecoats? Was really sure they’d avoid killing her since I warned them that killing one inspector leads to more problems, so I hadn’t put terribly much thought into it. Cheers!

Hey hivemind!

Hey hivemind!

Hey hivemind! Was wondering, I want to illustrate the revolutionaries becoming better organized and armed in my Duskval, what immediately sprang to mind was military equipment of the 1920’s falling into the hands of gangsters. (Lewis guns, tommy guns etc.) but I don’t want such fully automatic weaponry. Has anyone come up with cool blades-y heavy weaponry?



Hello! I’ve just been pressganged into running a campaign and I’d love to have some help with it. The trouble is that it’s a West marches-esque campaign as everyone’s got pretty busy schedules and there’s no chance we could get the same people every month let alone week.

Plus since everyone wanted a feel of already being a somewhat powerful gang I started them off at Tier 1, against my better instincts. (looking back at it it would have been better to start with more crew upgrades methinks)

Fictionally this is justified by the crew being part of a leviathan hunter captain who went to the dagger isles and was thought dead, instead coming back with a load of money and pirates.He wants to get a piece of the underworld, but since he’s a bit clueless the PCs handle all of that stuff, swapping in and out between active crew and “shore leave” (scores). Kinda inspired by a cross between Jack Sparrow and Euron Greyjoy

Anyway, the only crew I could get our first two PCs to agree on was smugglers, so 6hs of play later they had done 3 scores and we’ve got a nice story with a pre-cataclysmic entity in the bay and Strangford hunting them down for stealing his ex-cousin’s-roomate’s maps.

How do I get the next group, possibly with no-one in it from the first group, on board with the story and the idea of playing smugglers if that’s not what they want? Multiple crews which the PC’s can choose from? Just pick an XP trigger at the beginning of each session? I’ve created a gazette offering an overview of the last session and new possibilities, but I don’t think it’ll do. Ideas appreciated!

Hello community!

Hello community!

Hello community! I’m still on the fence on whether or not to get this game, probably wait till it’s out before starting it with my group. (They’re quite sceptical of WIP stuff)

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone had a dune hack in the works or in mind. I think that the premise and rules them selves would be perfect for Minor houses/Sietchs/Smuggler rings. Not having the game in hands I can’t say for certain, but when/if I do get it I’m gonna try and hack the shit out of it.

I guess what I mean to ask is: Is there anything that would fight against this setting? Anything that would fit in perfectly?