Not sure if there’s an official Scum & VIllainy G+ since there wasn’t a link for it in on the Forged in the Dark…

Not sure if there’s an official Scum & VIllainy G+ since there wasn’t a link for it in on the Forged in the Dark…

Not sure if there’s an official Scum & VIllainy G+ since there wasn’t a link for it in on the Forged in the Dark page but I found an inconsistency; and yes I know it’s Early Access.

The Scarlet Wolves are listed as a tier 4 faction under the faction tables but is listed as a tier 2 faction in it’s individual entry on p333. Which tier is it?

So I plan to run Blades as a one-shot for RPG Day this Saturday.

So I plan to run Blades as a one-shot for RPG Day this Saturday.

So I plan to run Blades as a one-shot for RPG Day this Saturday. I’ve seen the “Starting as a Gang” doc in the “About Community” tab, and I’ve played the game plenty of times with my friends. However instead of using time at the table to sparse the rules to new players, they’ll have the rules reference sheets in front of them, what are some things I should point out or say that’ll get them to play the game as intended?

So like I mentioned not too long ago I decided to share with you guys my current draft of a pirate-based Blade’s…

So like I mentioned not too long ago I decided to share with you guys my current draft of a pirate-based Blade’s…

So like I mentioned not too long ago I decided to share with you guys my current draft of a pirate-based Blade’s hack: Perilous Seas. I haven’t really touched upon playbooks yet, but Joe Adkisson’s will do for now (just control-F and search for ‘pirate’). And have yet to do anything with Claims and other Factions (among other things I may have missed). But I hope you guys like the Provisions and Sailing systems I’m working on, as those aren’t just systems with name changes that currently exist in Blades.

If anyone can point to where I can get editable Playbook templates, that isn’t just the ones that come with the book, I’d appreciate it a lot.

So is it bad to create a hack for this game that someone else is already making?

So is it bad to create a hack for this game that someone else is already making?

So is it bad to create a hack for this game that someone else is already making? I noticed someone is already making a pirate hack. I also started making a pirate hack before knowing that. If it was altered to be less focused on pirates broadened to include other seafarer types, would it then be okay?

I feel like I wasted a lot of time. Sure I can share my material with my friends but I feel like I’d be admonished if I then released it publicly when someone else was able to capitalize on the concept first.