Check this out:

Check this out:

Check this out:

It’s an amalgam hack of Blade in the Dark (BitD)+ idea for running a modified version of the Pathfinder Kingmaker Adventure Path.

For those playing the AP, no spoilers in this. All of the setting specific info is background info about Brevoy and the surrounding area that is straight from the setting book, and most of it is tweaked substantially by me, anyway.

For those primarily interested in the mechanics side of things, this presents seven new playbooks focused on military-type characters with 15+ completely new or modified special abilities, 20+ new special playbook items, a heavily-modified base item list, mounts, and introduces the Unit as new cohort type.

These playbooks could easily be ported to a completely unique setting, and were initially conceptualized with that in mind.

I would love and thoughts and/or criticisms. Thanks.

Looking for some help coming up with a crew special ability.

Looking for some help coming up with a crew special ability.

Looking for some help coming up with a crew special ability. I am tossing around ideas for a pseudo-medieval hack with some dark fantasy elements (Game of Thrones-ish level of magic) partially inspired by the upcoming Shadows of War video game. Its about companies of warriors situated in an area of internecine conflict between powers large and small. In this imagining, the Cult playbook becomes the Dedicated. A warrior company modeled off historical military religious orders. I want one of their crew special abilities to reflect intense martial training, as their dedication to their faith inspires them to train longer and harder than most. Trouble is, I keep coming back to something that amounts to +1d or +1 effect in combat. This seems problematic to me because it is 1) uninspired, and 2) seems like it would almost be a must have in a game about warriors. I don’t want to create a playbook ability so good that essentially every crew is going to want to veteran into it. Any ideas appreciated.

Stras Acimovic Run two jobs in S&V and loving it.

Stras Acimovic Run two jobs in S&V and loving it.

Stras Acimovic Run two jobs in S&V and loving it. Our Stitch is a young doctor, former child prodigy. The player came up with space Doctors without Borders. They just started a LTP to get their smuggling ship branded as official Doctors without Borders emissaries to give them a great cover reason for going just about anywhere.

But, I have a question. Did you ever run into trouble with the lack of the Survey action in Scum and Villainy during playtests? My session tonight had the PCs trying to sniff out some Cobalt Syndicate thugs tailing their Janus Syndicate contact through the crowds at some swoop races on Warren. We ended up using Study, but felt it didn’t really capture what the PCs were doing (i.e. Surveying the crowd and trying to pick out anyone following their contact). Should the narrative space of Survey from BitD be encompassed under Study in S&V? My only other thought was to maybe use Attune as a general “perceive the scene” action? Perhaps in the world of Scum and Villainy reaching out one’s senses to understand the environment inevitably places one in contact with the Way?

Also, my New Year’s resolution was going to be to stop bugging you about Band of Blades, but…I think I just broke that one 😉

Apologies if this has been covered before, but can PCs resist as a group action?

Apologies if this has been covered before, but can PCs resist as a group action?

Apologies if this has been covered before, but can PCs resist as a group action?

This came up while I was running the S&V quickstart. The PCs initial reaction to the starting ambush was a group action exfil off the “X.” They got a 5, and so I ruled the complication was that they got off the initial “X” without taking any harm, but ran right into the fields of fire of another ambush element (i.e. right onto a 2nd “X”). Resisting would allow them to get off this 2nd “X,” but they would remain engaged with the enemy and taking effective fire (I ruled the ambush a desperate position, so the resist wouldn’t totally negate the action). This all ran smoothly, and when it came to resist, collectively we were like, “Hmmm, can the PCs also resist as a group?” Any thoughts appreciated.

Stras Acimovic- There was no mention of Band of Blades in the recent update from John.

Stras Acimovic- There was no mention of Band of Blades in the recent update from John.

Stras Acimovic- There was no mention of Band of Blades in the recent update from John. Just wondering if it is still in the works? Thanks!




I wrote a sort-of hack, more of an add-on, for BitD which allows playing werewolves in Doskvol.  I am a huge fan of the White Wolf/Onxy Path Werewolf games, both Apocalypse and Forsaken, so this is a bit of a love letter to them.  Any feedback is appreciated, especially since I haven’t had an opportunity to playtest this.  I would like to give credit for the excel spreadsheet format. I found it on the community here, but can’t remember where, and a quick search didn’t find it. So, if you made the excel format I used, thank you.

Stras Acimovic Sorry to keep bothering about your add-ons (loved the Spider BTW), but I was wondering when we might…

Stras Acimovic Sorry to keep bothering about your add-ons (loved the Spider BTW), but I was wondering when we might…

Stras Acimovic Sorry to keep bothering about your add-ons (loved the Spider BTW), but I was wondering when we might expect to see Scum and Villainy?  I have a long running Star Wars campaign that has cycled through a couple of different rules set.  I am using the Cortex plus system (Firefly) right, but we have been using the Blades job system.  I like the system overall, but the rolls take too long to adjudicate.  I think a full rules shift to a Blades style system might work really well for us.  Also, will the playbooks include Jedi types?

Stras, as per your comment in the Spider thread, I was wondering if you might give us some more spoilers about “Band…

Stras, as per your comment in the Spider thread, I was wondering if you might give us some more spoilers about “Band…

Stras, as per your comment in the Spider thread, I was wondering if you might give us some more spoilers about “Band of Blades.”  It is the hack I am most looking forward to.  In particular, I wonder if it will be amongst the hacks released in January.  I am itching to give it a go!