Any ideas how you might implement an element of sabotage to downtime projects?

Any ideas how you might implement an element of sabotage to downtime projects?

Any ideas how you might implement an element of sabotage to downtime projects? Enemies sabotaging player project clocks, and vice versa?

I’ve been watching the Bloodletters, and I’ve noticed that sometimes people are getting bonus dice for having…

I’ve been watching the Bloodletters, and I’ve noticed that sometimes people are getting bonus dice for having…

I’ve been watching the Bloodletters, and I’ve noticed that sometimes people are getting bonus dice for having friends or contacts (not cohorts) assist with certain things, usually downtime actions. I can’t find anywhere mentioning this in the rulebook. Did I miss something in the rules? Is this just something from a previous version? Can I get some kind of clarification?

Quick question to those who have run Blades before.

Quick question to those who have run Blades before.

Quick question to those who have run Blades before. I’m setting up my game and we are doing character creation tomorrow. When you are doing session 0, do you have the players figure out the kind of crew they want and fill out the crew sheet before they make their characters, or make the characters and figure out the kind of crew second? I’m sure it works fine either way, but I want to know what experiences you all have had.