Question for the web-mind:

Question for the web-mind:

Question for the web-mind:

This weekend I finished the fourth session of an ongoing Blades game. During our sessions, I’ve been in the habit of having the players mark down their XP gained from making Desperate rolls as they make those rolls. For me, it’s simpler than trying to go back and recall each and every roll. However, this session I had a couple of characters who filled their Attribute tracks in the middle of the session. (Helped that a terrible Engagement roll started the whole Score in a Desperate situation!)

The query came up as to whether they could “cash in” on the filled tracks and gain a dot in one of the associated Actions. I made the call to allow them to reset their XP tracks and take that extra dot right away. My rationale was that it was quick and done and helped out the characters. But I was curious how other Blades GMs handle tracking Desperate XP and what you would have done in the same situation.
