A few inquiries:

A few inquiries:

A few inquiries:

1. Is the detectives’ incorruptibility enforced by any means other than elaborate recruitment practices and the sheer esprit de corps? I understand the function it serves in the game where you play the criminals, but I was wondering, is it enforced by any other means, occult or otherwise? Weekly disclosure sessions in the Truth Room, communal blood-bonding rituals, oaths which burn your mouth as you speak them?

2. Cannibalism: trendy, eco-conscious and a source of much needed gastronomical variety, sure, but how safe is it? If one just so happens to end up in possession of a basement-ful of freshly dead undesirables, a fully-operational sausage making machine and a certain willingness to defy convention, how does one diversify their supply of protein without any… gastroanimate distress? A spirit bottle or two seems like it might do the trick, but are there any other options? Asking for a friend.

On Radiant Energy and food.

On Radiant Energy and food.

On Radiant Energy and food.

So. People grow crops for food with Radiant Energy, ‘outside’ the city and “life in the city depends upon

these farms.”

Nobles have private Radiant Energy gardens of their own, explicitly to supplement their diets – “the living light allows growing gardens of fresh fruit and vegetables inside the mansion’s security. “

At the same time, “Enjoy the radiant plants and animals, but do not eat them. Radiant poisoning is serious.”

So, uh, what gives? I get the very vague impression that directly infusing biomatter with radiance to make it glow in a fancy manner and putting a lamp near some plants to mimic a sun are two different techniques, but the book confuses the issue, discusses both at the same time and doesn’t make any distinctions. It needs to be clarified.