How “british” is your Duskwall?

How “british” is your Duskwall?

How “british” is your Duskwall? Or what cultures form the basis for it? In my reading the default seemed to assume an almost doomed London. However being the lover of Americana that I am the Duskwall I portray in my game is much closer to Atlantic City or pre Urban Seattle than anything in Europe.

One of the idlehands got captured last session.

One of the idlehands got captured last session.

One of the idlehands got captured last session. Just when things were looking up for the idlehands after ousting the sashes and the lampblacks from Crow’s Foot, their misdeeds caught up with them.

Can someone walk me through incarceration and wanted levels? Also how does the jailbird ability change that?

Can someone walk me through incarceration and wanted levels? Also how does the jailbird ability change that?

Can someone walk me through incarceration and wanted levels? Also how does the jailbird ability change that?
