Since Xcom is apparently covered… … … whose volunteering to write up the X-Men playset? :P

Since Xcom is apparently covered… … … whose volunteering to write up the X-Men playset? 😛

Since Xcom is apparently covered… … … whose volunteering to write up the X-Men playset? 😛

I’ve been thinking that BitD’s format is quite perfect for anything episodic… in particular, shonen fighting anime.

I’ve been thinking that BitD’s format is quite perfect for anything episodic… in particular, shonen fighting anime.

I’ve been thinking that BitD’s format is quite perfect for anything episodic… in particular, shonen fighting anime.

Below is a link to my outline for the proposed mechanical approach to reskinning the game to fit something akin to shonen fighting anime.

Be advised that this is only an outline for now… I plan on putting the real work into the hack once the full game is released and I can see how other, brighter folks are hacking the game successfully.

As for now… What do you folks think? Am I missing any important bits that need to be reskinned? Have I missed something integral to this playset? Any thoughts would be welcomed.