Hey Folks, I normally don’t have issues with understanding rules and considering how amazingly well written and laid…

Hey Folks, I normally don’t have issues with understanding rules and considering how amazingly well written and laid…

Hey Folks, I normally don’t have issues with understanding rules and considering how amazingly well written and laid out Playtest 1.6 is laid out, I’m actually kind of embarrassed to be asking. But if I’m wondering I’m sure others are.

Rules as written, I’m completely puzzled how to roll the Entanglement roll. Do you roll a single D plus your wanted level on whatever chart depending on the characters Heat? Or do you roll dice equal to your Heat with your Wanted level? Or a single D on whatever chart equal to your Heat plus Wanted level?

I only ask because if you roll a single D that would be the only instance in the game (up until this point) that the mechanics would have you rolling a fixed number of dice and would cause head scratching and consternation.