Is there an official date when the full new quickstart will become available John Harper? I’m planning on GM:ing a…

Is there an official date when the full new quickstart will become available John Harper? I’m planning on GM:ing a…

Is there an official date when the full new quickstart will become available John Harper? I’m planning on GM:ing a campaign based almost solemnly in the Docks and I’m in the process of making some preparations. I’ve got stuff like what parts of it are loyal to the different gangs that operate in the area and I’m making up a few big events that will happen that the group will have to take a stand about. I’ll post my reference pic of the Docks where I’ve divided it up between the different gangs. (As I am a poor student a paint-job will have to do, no fancy graphics here…) I’d be very happy to get some feedback if this makes any sense or if I’ve got it all wrong, most of it is subject to change anyway. Cheers 🙂

Hi guys, I kickstarted this game a while back because I really liked the world.

Hi guys, I kickstarted this game a while back because I really liked the world.

Hi guys, I kickstarted this game a while back because I really liked the world. I didn’t spend too much time considering I just sort of went with it. Now I checked it out again and thought that I’d like to test the quickplay thingie. I started reading it but found it hard to picture everything because I felt I didn’t really know the world. So my question is, are there some chunks of lore somewhere to be read that I’ve completely missed? Sorry if this has been asked before.