“Don’t make a MacGuffin. A good Score is a collision of needs.”

“Don’t make a MacGuffin. A good Score is a collision of needs.”

“Don’t make a MacGuffin. A good Score is a collision of needs.”

Without context I’m sure that’s not nearly as incredible as it is in my head right now. But “CrimeWorld” from Fate Worlds has just been added to my must-read-list for Blades in the Dark, to be visited again and again.

It’s obviously tooled for a different system, but the advice on setting up a game of heists is the best advice I’ve come across anywhere from a gaming perspective.

If someone has pointed this out before, shame on me for missing it for so long! If not, then this needs to get out there!


I’ve tried searching around for this information before asking here, but am unable to find anything.  It’s also…

I’ve tried searching around for this information before asking here, but am unable to find anything.  It’s also…

I’ve tried searching around for this information before asking here, but am unable to find anything.  It’s also likely that this will be revealed further in the final release.

What are some generic touchstones or inspirations for heritages?

The descriptions of the lands themselves at the end of the QS help give an idea, as do the tags attached to them from the Ghost Lines documents.  Naming conventions (like Ulf Ironborn) also provide some hints.  So I get some Nordic flavor from Skovlan, and some Arabic flavor from Iruvia, and I’m certain that the cultures would be much more complicated than such direct comparisons.

But does anyone have some more direct inspirations from real world cultures, or combinations to help give players as they decide?  Or do you push them to be the ones to define it, as in: “You’re from Iruvia huh?  Golden deserts, and powers openly held by demons.  Tell me more about that culture”?