I recently put together a game (Inky shorts) in which I am going to try and help teach people Blades in the Dark.

I recently put together a game (Inky shorts) in which I am going to try and help teach people Blades in the Dark.

I recently put together a game (Inky shorts) in which I am going to try and help teach people Blades in the Dark. I will run 4 people through 3 weeks/heists and hopefully leave them with a better understanding of the game. My first session starts on Tuesday and is full but there is another session lined up for when this one concludes with 2 slots still open. I have the game listed on the Discord games, feel free to hit me up there or here or roll20 (where the game takes place) I can provide needed links if there is any interest. Thanks! 🙂

So Lord Scurlock just declared war on my players.

So Lord Scurlock just declared war on my players.

So Lord Scurlock just declared war on my players. He used to be the gang they paid tribute to. I’d really like the next couple missions (or when ever they deal with him) to be epic.

Are there any lorez or “ways to kill vamps” in blades I should know of before hand I might be over looking?

Are there any of the rollplay blades or bloodletter games to watch where they tangle with the creepster? I’ve watched a lot of the bloodletter eps and he’s only been in one or two that I’ve seen but idk if there are later ones I should hurry up and get to to watch.

What other idea’s do people have? The gang’s lair is 2 doors down from scurlock manor in 6 towers. We’ve established that scurlock doesn’t live there but it is his turf.

The Party attacked his allies after he paid them to do a mission (involving said allies and a mission that was part of a larger drug distribution deal that’s now wrecked). The slide then beat him really bad at poker one night (5 coin). And the most recent mission entanglement resulted in him finally declaring war. just for a little back story.

Constructive criticism about the Breakers gang type:

Constructive criticism about the Breakers gang type:

Constructive criticism about the Breakers gang type:

I don’t think they should have patron, it doesn’t make as much sense as the assassins having it and the overlap is meh inspiring. I propose a move that helps the breakers collect or set up protection rackets. This seems much more in line with what a gang of toughs (similar to the Peaky Blinders perhaps) would have instead of a person paying them to go rough people up. My argument is this let’s the players be Al Capone rather than going and finding him as a boss. Plus if the breakers still really want a patron they can just use a vet move on it.

Just my 2 cents, and I don’t mean denigrate your amazing rpg writing skills John!!