I’m thinking of running a Scum and Villainy game, but I’m a little concerned about time constraints. More than other games, FitD games seem to have a mechanical arc (via crew advancement) where the group grows over time to become more important/wealthier as an organization.
I think I’m only gonna have time for about 13 sessions, and while I think running various jobs might be fun on their own, I’m not sure if I could deliver a satisfying “long game”. Any suggestions on how to a) make sure the crew development happens at a satisfying clip (I have no idea how long a FitD is expected to last, vs a PbtA game where a satisfying arc can be had in about 10-15 sessions) b) disregard the idea of crew development entirely? As for b, it occurs to me that the crews listed in SaV touchstones don’t actually get better/wealthier over time.