+John Harper I have a question about the Spider playbook ability Functioning Vice.

+John Harper I have a question about the Spider playbook ability Functioning Vice.

+John Harper I have a question about the Spider playbook ability Functioning Vice. Is it intended to allow Indulging Vice values above 6? Meaning if a player uses this ability and rolls a 5 or a 6 they could adjust the value to be a 7 or 8 respectively?

John Harper What guide lines are there for acquiring permanent high quality equipment?

John Harper What guide lines are there for acquiring permanent high quality equipment?

John Harper What guide lines are there for acquiring permanent high quality equipment?

Can a Hound (or anyone) acquire better than fine quality gear permanently?

Or is this a function of their character’s personal vault effecting their quality of life?

Should a scoundrel who decides to spend 10 coin on a exquisite (tier +2) light armor be able to acquire it?

Obviously most of this could be arbitrated by the GM I just haven’t seen any guideline in the Blades core rules that really covers this?

John Harper Question about Not to be Trifled With, and Sharpshooter.

John Harper Question about Not to be Trifled With, and Sharpshooter.

John Harper Question about Not to be Trifled With, and Sharpshooter.

How long are these types of abilities supposed to last once activated?

It seems inferred that it only occurs when the player pushed themselves meaning for any given roll where it would be applicable the player would have to pay the 2 stress cost to get the benefit.

However it also seems likely it could be a grammar wording error and the ability is supposed to last for up to the entire scene.

Or is it something in between?

John Harper I am curious if Bows and Crossbows are normally considered outlawed because killing with them are silent…

John Harper I am curious if Bows and Crossbows are normally considered outlawed because killing with them are silent…

John Harper I am curious if Bows and Crossbows are normally considered outlawed because killing with them are silent while guns attract attention normally? Hunting wildlife really isn’t a thing around Duskvol.

What types of legality in the setting for stuff like this?