How would you approach creating works of art, especially painting in Blades?

How would you approach creating works of art, especially painting in Blades?

How would you approach creating works of art, especially painting in Blades? Crafting seems the obvious choice, but I can’t work out whether Tinker or Finesse would be more suited to painting.

John Harper​ So, is the Immortal Emperor the wizard who betrayed his comrades a thousand years ago and shattered the…

John Harper​ So, is the Immortal Emperor the wizard who betrayed his comrades a thousand years ago and shattered the…

John Harper​ So, is the Immortal Emperor the wizard who betrayed his comrades a thousand years ago and shattered the gates of the dead for the promise of everlasting life?

How are you all visualising Leviathans?

How are you all visualising Leviathans?

How are you all visualising Leviathans? Massive whale creatures, giant toothy sea worms, tentacled quid monsters, or a combination thereof? Just wondered whether I’d missed a description in the text, or whether it has been purposefully left open for interpretation.