The lot of you might be better than me, better by far if youve known of this before.

The lot of you might be better than me, better by far if youve known of this before.

The lot of you might be better than me, better by far if youve known of this before. And worse too if you never told me nor any other about it.

Now ive heard a-many a thing, and know now that now ive heard this all ive got to say is this, and treat it as prophecy or curse, or as close as your heartless heart will believe it to be, either way. That if youve heard one song of this your soul would find its way home from distant lands if there you die, and if you sing a verse when your ship goes down you’ll at least forever stay in the shallows, and not go down into the Deeps.

And if you know all the songs then the saints and the devils alike will pass you by and say to you ‘good day’ and give you fair warning if they have business with your kin. And if youre in a tavern thats plays the songs and youre in your tremors and horrors from smoke and drink, then Billy Foul would pass you by til morn. And hum the tunes and the whales and the fish come, same and it’ll keep your woman’s moon waxing, or waning, your man’s wood more oak than weepin’willow. And do your labours to ‘Nelson’s Blood’ and she’ll turn in half the time, and hang yourself by ‘Hanging Johnny’ and it’ll be fast too. And so many for before or after a bloody row.

These are good songs, good songs and the lot of us dont deserve them’s_Gallery:_Pirate_Ballads,_Sea_Songs,_and_Chanteys’s_Gallery:_Pirate_Ballads,_Sea_Songs,_and_Chanteys

A certain je ne sais quoi. No wait, it’s murder, that’s what it is

A certain je ne sais quoi. No wait, it’s murder, that’s what it is

A certain je ne sais quoi. No wait, it’s murder, that’s what it is

Questions, curiosities, lesser concerns, and matters of conjecture

Questions, curiosities, lesser concerns, and matters of conjecture

Questions, curiosities, lesser concerns, and matters of conjecture

– for the spirit characters – ghosts have gloom, hulls have wear, located just where trauma is on the standard playbook. I assume they work the same? You fill up drain and it becomes gloom, wear?

– opportunities fill-in sheet – I note six, the five thus far detailed crews (breaker, cult, so on), plus one (assassin?). Which would seem to say there is at least one crew spec not yet shared. Are there other crews or playbooks yet to be revealed???

– you can change playbooks, become a ghost, hull, vampire, but I can’t seem to find anything detailing changes on the side of the living – cutter becoming a hound, leech becoming a whisper, so on. Or for that matter, crews changing focus, smugglers turning to hawkers, what have you. Did I miss that, is that on its way, not really necessary for the quick-start, intentionally left out?

I like Doskvol, I like controlled, I like the more specific alchemical notes. So on and so forth, verily

My Argument and Defence

My Argument and Defence

My Argument and Defence

for the keeping of the term Daring,

as compared to Risky,

in the Action Roll Mechanic, in further Editions,

stated in Three Parts

trumpets. If someone has already put forth argumentation on this, let me know

part 1 – the term Risky is a waste. All Actions, those that are Dominant or Desperate as well, involve Risk, as do a bunch of the features in downtime and so forth. Everything is Risky, so the middle tier’s name isn’t clear, doesn’t add. We already know there’s Risk involved, there’s Risk all over the system and the city and the world.

part 2 – you lose a mnemonic, which as part of the player’s main interface is both useful and enjoyable. The triple D – Dominant, Daring, Desperate – has a good roll. A new player is going to remember the 3D’s, even if they don’t remember the specifics, and anyone keen on the language will get a kick out of the consonance.

part 3 – the word itself – Daring – falls into the style of the characters in the game, not just the setting or mechanics. Daring scoundrels, daring swashbucklers, daring rogues, the word taps how the characters are, how they act, how they behave, not just a point of mechanical average-ness or worry.

You can see the Character in a Dominant position (hiding and watching from the shadows, over top a downed foe, smiling as their plan come into effect), you can see a Character Acting Desperately (sweating, scrambling, panicking, outnumbered, exhausted), can you see a Character being Risky? Not as clearly as you can see him or her being Daring – swinging from a chandelier, lying through their teeth, drawing a pistol and screaming bloody murder.

Man, im super impressed with this game, if it weren’t for the fact I have a three month old child in the picture, and the resulting full plate that brings, Id be playing the heck out of it. Something else, you did some fine work Mr Harper. Looking forward to hearing more about those hacks too, the Womb of the Night and Children of Neon, or whatever the proposed cyberpunk one was called.

smoke bomb, swirl of cloak, leaps to rooftop, escape