So I have begun working on a musical band hack of Blades.

So I have begun working on a musical band hack of Blades.

So I have begun working on a musical band hack of Blades. Other than BitD it’s based on games like Starchildren: Velvet Generation and Monsters of Glam and inspired by stuff like Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars, Metalocalypse, The Gorillaz, and so on.

I started out with the action list to get a basic dea of what I want the players to be able to do. Here it is, let me know what you think might need tweaks and if you have any other suggestions/must haves let me know.



PERFORM a rehearsed set or otherwise prepared songs; Play to sheet music.

SLIDE an object out of or into someone’s pocket; traverse or bypass obstacles unseen; employ subtle misdirection or sleight-of-hand;

BLITZ an opponent in combat; brawl and wrestle; fire at or throw; force your way into or through.

GYRATE wildly or suggestively to the music; perform sexually.


COMPOSE a musical work of art for performance; develop a song and lyrics with the ability to influence others.

DIG into the details of a document, or item with to gather information and apply knowledge; gain a deeper understanding; do research.

INTERPRET a crowd, location or situation to understand what’s going on; sense trouble before it happens; gather information about opportunities or exploits.

FIDDLE with mechanisms or electronics to create, modify, disable, or repair; disable a trap, pick a lock, or crack a safe. Use recording and other programs to your advantage.


JAM with the band by improvising songs on the fly; perform unplanned musical solos.

CONDUCT group plans by force of personality; direct roadies to perform actions.

SWAY someone with charm, logic, deception, disguise, or bluff; change attitudes or behavior with manipulation or seduction.

NEGOTIATE with connections from your heritage, background, friends, or rivals

to gain access to resources, information,

people, or places.