Multiple PCs per Player

Multiple PCs per Player

Multiple PCs per Player

Since it can often happen that a PC is temporarily removed from play (Due to incarceration, trauma, overindulging, and other funny things) I came up with this idea to build a common pool of PCs (let’s say two PCs per player). At the beginning of each game session, every player selects a single PC to be his or her “active PC”, however he or she can switch to a different one after a score if the first gets temporarily removed from play or for whatever reason. (“My first character broke his leg during the last score and he’s not fully healed yet, so I’d better send a different one on the next mission.” “Cool. Just be aware that your bedridden character could still get into trouble. He could be visited by some caring bluecoats. Just saying…”).

It all worked fine so far. I just got a question: how’d you manage downtime for stand-by characters?

Do you feel they should get the default two downtime activities? A single one? Should I just treat them as additional activity (1 coin or 1 rep worth)?