Innocent Facts

Innocent Facts

Innocent Facts

I was talking to some blades GMs in discord and they mentioned how they enjoy when crafty players introduced “innocent facts” about the world and setting and then used them.

A friend provided this example when they brought it up:

“Like the tavern they are a regular at. Later, they might use that little fact as an opening to find refuge or a small favor. While a completely new place might call for a roll.”

What are some examples of innocent facts that have cropped up in your game? Do you reward similar advantages for fictionally positioning when leveraging those innocent facts?

Here’s our special game of Kingdom set in Doskvol.

Here’s our special game of Kingdom set in Doskvol.

Here’s our special game of Kingdom set in Doskvol. We played the Sparkwrights and were dealing with a hostile takeover attempt by a noble as well as a the fences being outdated and dangerous.

I spent some stress tonight for a flashback and tinkered on my Roll20 Background.

I spent some stress tonight for a flashback and tinkered on my Roll20 Background.

I spent some stress tonight for a flashback and tinkered on my Roll20 Background.

This one, I feel, is more attuned to Blade’s artistic style. I’m still not satisfied with the clocks/tokens, but i’m including colored stone markers in this draft for use if you don’t like the pins in v1!

Sorry for yet another post!


Sorry– I needed to delete my other post. I reuploaded a more kosher version of the screen for use!

Sorry– I needed to delete my other post. I reuploaded a more kosher version of the screen for use!

Sorry– I needed to delete my other post. I reuploaded a more kosher version of the screen for use!


So after this week’s It’s Never Sunny in Doskvol, it’s looking like we’re going into a friend-turned-prisoner’s head…

So after this week’s It’s Never Sunny in Doskvol, it’s looking like we’re going into a friend-turned-prisoner’s head…

So after this week’s It’s Never Sunny in Doskvol, it’s looking like we’re going into a friend-turned-prisoner’s head to recover some lost memories thanks a psychonaut friend.

Mechanically, I’ll be using a rendition of Sorenson’s Lacuna for this episode of Doskvolite Dreamworld adventures.

Previously on Blades in the Dark.

Previously on Blades in the Dark.

Previously on Blades in the Dark.

So I’ve been using a hack in my It’s Never Sunny in Doskvol game about recaps of last episodes. It’s a very sweet and simple mechanism I stole from Torchbearer.

I allow the player who does the recap at the top of the session to recover one point of stress. One player cannot recover the stress if they did the recap the previous week.

This Sunday I’m running a one shot of Blades using Sean Nittners vigilantes crew type.

This Sunday I’m running a one shot of Blades using Sean Nittners vigilantes crew type.

This Sunday I’m running a one shot of Blades using Sean Nittners vigilantes crew type. We took subterranean tunnels and decided it’d be cool if Duskvol had a pre-cataclysm subway system that’s now all broken and stuff. Obviously they claimed a station as their lair.

I thought this was awesome and so it was true…. as long as their vice isn’t pizza.