I know this may be cutting it a bit close, but if the book/audio book ‘Gang Leader for a Day’ by Sudhir Venkatesh is…

I know this may be cutting it a bit close, but if the book/audio book ‘Gang Leader for a Day’ by Sudhir Venkatesh is…

I know this may be cutting it a bit close, but if the book/audio book ‘Gang Leader for a Day’ by Sudhir Venkatesh is not a touch stone yet, it really should be.

The book follows the true story of Sudhir Venkatesh essentially embedding himself in a Chicago crack dealing gang at the height of the crack epidemic. It gives a glimpse not only into the life of gang members, but those of the surrounding and supporting community. The gangs interactions with other marginally employed hustlers and community leaders such as the president of the public housing authority in their territory are definitely rife with possible Scores for any type of gang on the streets of Duskvol. I will be using situations from the book in future games of Blades that I run and I have suggested it to my current Game Master.