I was looking at the islands of the empire, and I was curious what the inspiration were.

I was looking at the islands of the empire, and I was curious what the inspiration were.

I was looking at the islands of the empire, and I was curious what the inspiration were.

Akoros seems like its roughly inspired by England

Skovland seems like a combination of Scotland and Norway.

Iruvia seems like its inspired primarily by the Middle East (maybe a bit of China or Southeast Asia, too? I’m only guessing that because of Iruvian red sash fighting.)

The ones I’m most curious about are Severos and the Dagger Isles. I get the impressions of North and Central Africa respectively, but these seem to be the ones with the least to go on. (Also, on a side note, wth do you call someone from the Dagger Isles? Daggerish? Islander?)