Do folks have a favorite Devil’s Bargain?

Do folks have a favorite Devil’s Bargain?

Do folks have a favorite Devil’s Bargain? I’ve really liked ‘so-and-so will remember you’ for various non-combat rolls, where the rogues are trying to be discreet. It lets me come back later with some consequences the players agreed to – with that person showing up with a small gang for various reasons. It also gives them incentive to slay that person and gain more heat. (And then the person’s ghost can still potentially finger the PC.)

The Evil Gang of Eleven forms and kill Baz – not for the Red Sashes, but because they figure it’s the best way to be left the hell alone.

Played with the 3f ruleset, which I freakin’ love. Wreck made for a couple of great moments, and the Leech playbook is very cool.

Covered in rust, cobwebs, grease, and oil. The starter for it is a blowtorch. It’s… a motor in the Blades in the Dark universe!

I can imagine some once-lost, half-crazed Hull getting found in the Deathlands that looks a lot like this thing.

I ran BitD in (mostly) real life, and lived to tell the tale.

I ran BitD in (mostly) real life, and lived to tell the tale.

I ran BitD in (mostly) real life, and lived to tell the tale. Some folks I’ve been introducing to role-playing have played twice now, and are starting to greedily ask for Devil’s Bargains at every skill check. 

The Perpetrators work with the Lampblacks and infiltrate Red Sash territory and Gaddoc Station. 

I gotta write up an AP at some point soon, but in the meantime, I re-wrote Andrew Shields ‘s pre-gen characters to…

I gotta write up an AP at some point soon, but in the meantime, I re-wrote Andrew Shields ‘s pre-gen characters to…

I gotta write up an AP at some point soon, but in the meantime, I re-wrote Andrew Shields ‘s pre-gen characters to be compatible with the v3e / Gencon rules. Just in time for Gencon to be completely over!

To my credit I had to work a lot this week. Docx and PDF files are in the dropbox folder.

I pontificate about how we don’t need an Art skill in Blades in the Dark, prompted by (I believe) Andrew…

I pontificate about how we don’t need an Art skill in Blades in the Dark, prompted by (I believe) Andrew…

I pontificate about how we don’t need an Art skill in Blades in the Dark, prompted by (I believe) Andrew Shields asking for one, and vague memories of listening to people play Apocalypse World, another universe in which there’s no skill for art.

Andrew Shields’ post on a new special ability reminded me of one I had been kicking around.

Andrew Shields’ post on a new special ability reminded me of one I had been kicking around.

Andrew Shields’ post on a new special ability reminded me of one I had been kicking around. A move from the as-yet-unwritten Rail Jack sheet. Spirit smugglers, your helpful special move is here.


You do not pay stress to act normally around ghosts. Possession causes you to mark trauma once a month, rather than once a week.

This kind of reads how they work from the BitD rules. Obviously from the Ghost Lines ruleset, they are actually taking trauma when they encounter ghosts, but they’re also a lot more squishy than BitD rogues. I imagine in their BitD form, they’ll be less squishy as well. 

Patrick sings a song of the Nightmare Sea, which may give folks some ideas for the inky black waves lapping against…

Patrick sings a song of the Nightmare Sea, which may give folks some ideas for the inky black waves lapping against…

Patrick sings a song of the Nightmare Sea, which may give folks some ideas for the inky black waves lapping against Duskwall. With annotations! Certainly Iron Eye’d tribes would fit right in – not in Duskwall, but at some distant redoubt of civilization, fallen on hard times.

Probably representative of common weather patterns outside the major cities in the default Blades setting.

Probably representative of common weather patterns outside the major cities in the default Blades setting.

Probably representative of common weather patterns outside the major cities in the default Blades setting. Survival in the deathlands isn’t just hard because of the ghosts.

Since Whispers can control weather, I’ve got to think some ghosts or demons might be able to as well. Bet they could every now and again try to weaponize it, and besiege a city with it. Fire spouts crashing against lightening walls. Bunch of hungry ghosts hoping for a breach.