Hello all

Hello all

Hello all,

I am a big fan of Blades in the Dark, having followed it since I first heard about it on Fear the Boot over a year ago.

After a long time of reading it over and over again I finally get the opportunity to run it. Two friends of mine who are big gamers are both turning 30 and we are taking a 3 day weekend to run a mini-campaign. I suggested Blades to almost universal acceptance.

So I’d like to ask some advice of the community.

What is something that surprised you the first time you ran Blades and what would you do to avoid it (if bad) or capture that (if good)?

Given 3 days with planning on playing about 12 hours a day, how fast should I expect them to advance?

How often did you expect playbook turnover? Both in players switching and in them needing a new one.

What are some ways other games have ended so I have some idea of what terrible ends might be in store?

Finally, how problematic is it to have duplicate play books? I have two players eyeing the spider and the leech and I was curious how same-y those characters would feel if I let them duplicate play books?

Play kit.

The other thing I wanted to do was make a campaign play kit. I wanted to include knick knacks, useful player info, reference sheets etc.

Is there anything you all have found that would be useful to add to that kit, either as a play aid or just as a mood setter or neat trick to use.

That’s about it for now. Any help at all would be appreciated.