John Harper  – Is the following from your Jan update still accurate?

John Harper  – Is the following from your Jan update still accurate?

John Harper  – Is the following from your Jan update still accurate?

“Following in February I’ll begin sending out backer surveys to collect your information for shipping and other details. I’ll also send out instructions to everyone who’s getting a portrait and to the Overlord backers to coordinate on their custom factions.”

Yeah, I know I might be coming across as pushy/annoying so please forgive me – I’m just so anxious for the final product 🙂

After seeing all the posts here and listening to Christopher Sniezak and Phil Vecchione interview John Harper on…

After seeing all the posts here and listening to Christopher Sniezak and Phil Vecchione interview John Harper on…

After seeing all the posts here and listening to Christopher Sniezak and Phil Vecchione interview John Harper on the  Misdirected Mark Productions podcast I had to get in on this Kickstarter.  Put my backer pledge in earlier today and I’m loving the Quickstart info – I had high expectations of the QS info and it surpassed my hopes – Nice work!

I’ve backed only two KS’s before and, frankly, been underwhelmed by each of those KS’s ability to deliver.  But this time I’m confident that Mr. Harper has his stuff locked and ready to rock.