My game commitment roster is full right now, but I have an idea I’ll unpack later when I’ve got some of my other…
My game commitment roster is full right now, but I have an idea I’ll unpack later when I’ve got some of my other projects out of the way.
I want to make a love child between Lasers and Feelings and Blades in the Dark. I’m thinking of calling it The Radiant Beyond.
Down time is when the star ship is traveling. Alert phase is when there is conflict. Thematically redo the action list, potentially collapsing it to four actions, a middle ground between Lasers and Feelings and Blades in the Dark.
Make new playbooks based on the style of my Knives of Duskwall hack, using special abilities in a slightly different way. Also, make clusters of advantages and disadvantages that come with being an alien, as well as potential culture/biological related special abilities for those who focus on their heritage over time.
Then use the positioning framework, the factor framework, the dice function, the stress and condition system, and the downtime action system.
Retool down time to be a more dependable week frame, give or take three days.
Make a regional entanglement table, based on the sorts of story the group is telling. Uneasy frontier, troubleshooting, exploration, etc. Allow the ship to move between assignment groups, thus varying the entanglement potential.
Make the crew sheet more literal, grounded in the quirks of serving aboard this particular vessel.
Combine that with a mission generator and problem generator to fall back on when the entanglements don’t keep them engaged, and that could be a FANTASTIC game.