This is perfect for a BitD session!

This is perfect for a BitD session!

This is perfect for a BitD session!

Originally shared by Tabletop Audio

As fantasy adventure tropes go, the docks district setting is almost as omnipresent as the dungeon. Looking for a man about a key? He’s in the docks district. Need to make a deal with a secret organization? You’ll find your contact in the docks district.

This ambience, Docks District should get lots of use in fantasy, and historical settings. There’s no magic in the air, just gulls, wind and rigging.



Ok. I read the Quickstart. I liked lot of things (also, layout and graphics). However I feel it like it isn’t a full role play game, more like a tabletop tactic game without a map. Detailed procedural rules, highlights of missions and downtime. However, this can be viewed as a weakness: the main thing I disliked was the special abilities of the different playbooks. Very bland. Almost all of them are bonuses related to the procedures. I didn’t feel that wonder, that excitement I felt when I read Apocalypse World and Dungeon World for the first time. There, I said: these “talents” are freaking cool. I WANT to play this playbook.

In Blades, I see them like pawns of a tabletop game. Almost all the same, just minor differences for differentiate a little the “red player” from the “blue player” from the “yellow player” and so on.

Hi John Harper 

Hi John Harper 

Hi John Harper . Here in Italy we are trying to do a couple of KS 4 copies pledging. Of course we like to waste no money, so I’m here to asking you:

– If we make a couple of 4 copies pledges, can you ship both the pledges to a single person, then we can pay just a single shipping?

– Do you know what are the shipping costs for the Italy? You know, we are trying to understand how many bucks we have to pay in the end.

Thanks in advance.