Hi all
Brand new in the community, and from France (so please excuse my poor English !)
I’ve been reading all BITD material I could put my hand on for a few months now, and I have to say that it has been hard for me to come to grips with some aspect of the system (especially the absence of difficulty levels). But the positive things in the system and the whole game are too many to ignore. I just have to find players now.
I have one question and one comment:
– The question : armor. Does armor (both light and heavy) bring only ONCE (or twice for heavy) a benefit in any score (When you check the box) ? Or do you also take your armor into account each time you estimate your position in a fight (desperate, risky, controlled) ? So the box-checking is just added benefit ?
– The comment : about Tier.
Tier appears to me to be “too much” simplified. Especially when you have to take it into account in a challenge/fight. I have read on many posts in this community that it symbolises training, gear, scale, influence of the faction. But this is not consistent. The Red Sashes have “master sword-fighters” (good training), they are “very well connected”… but only Tier II. Would a master sword-fighter from them be at disadvantage in a duel against a Leviathan Hunter (Tier V) captain from the nobility… that he has maybe trained ? The Skov refugees are desperate, poor refugees, no training, no contacts… but Tier III.
Moreover the training of the foe is already dealt with in NC threat levels (page 167), so should not come into play when you estimate your Position or Effect. Or it would be double punition for the PCs.
My take is that the factions should have not one number to mechanically characterise them, but at least two to : Scale, Gear. Training would be in the fiction and could vary inside the faction.
I don’t know if i have been clear enough. Thanks for your input.