5 thoughts on “Anyone has advice for using Affiliation as a Vice?”

  1. It was used in the example game in the quickstart by the cutter, who used it to say she ran around with bad crowds, got into fist fights, made herself too visible, and generally made bad decisions due to the people in her life.  Another idea I had for affiliation as a vice would be people you feel responsible for and must protect.  I’m sure we could come up with a lot more.  I thought it would be fun to announce to a group, “I don’t have any vices, I’m a good person.  But I am very protective of my family, Affiliation for me.”

  2. Our Whisper’s vice is an Affiliation with the CIrcle of the Flame. If you check the Faction Blurbs in the FAQ, they are a refined secret society of antiquarians and scholars; cover for extortion, graft, vice, and murder. Our Whisper fancies themself a bit of toff, though they’re really just an ex-servant of nobles who stole some occult books. The Circle is a way to scratch the occult itch and feel like an equal among wigged cauliflowers.

  3. I remember a few permutations of Affiliation Vices being big personal causes/crusades that you can sink an infinite amount of $ into and have basically no impact. A character trying to bring their relatives to Duskwall, spending time and money going though Gilliam-esque levels of bureaucracy, and so on.

  4. Or being a revolutionary. Or having a day job (but not too successful). It’s something that matters to you, that you do with your time, that isn’t thieving.

  5. It could be that the character keeps up affiliation that he does know he should better not. Like Walter White who remained almost always dependent on his wife and son and baby daughter.

    It might as well mean that the character not only gets attached to but outright clingy to social contact, opening himself up for attacks. Maybe more like Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman in Eyes Wide Shut.

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