Ran my second session (first with the new draft, and first with this group), and I will post an AP tomorrow.

Ran my second session (first with the new draft, and first with this group), and I will post an AP tomorrow.

Ran my second session (first with the new draft, and first with this group), and I will post an AP tomorrow.

Things that were liked

Weirdness in general.

Playbooks as-written.

The new attribute/effect rules.

Things that were confusing

Had to cobble together some of the crew rules from this draft and the last one (edit: like reputation).

Had some slight difficulty with spotlight management.

Not sure what a “great effect” is in the new draft.

When someone is leading a group action, does everyone have to roll the same thing, or can they contribute with other roles? Or is that best interpreted as a series of setups?

Things that have not yet arisen

The new holdings rules.

The new harm rules.

Things I’m excited for

Setting up some faction clocks!

Plotting out the new leads my Whisper ended up with from overindulging his vice (going to weird parties with his buddy Skurlock).