14 thoughts on “Did the Playtest v3 document happen?”

  1. John Harper​ has posted incomplete parts of the draft of the quick start v3. It is enough to know that things have been changed quite a lot, and some people are trying to run with those updates.

  2. I ran with v3 in the current state and it worked fine. The only slight awkwardness was using two partial crew sheets since my players are using the Cult crew type. We just customized some cult-related claims and advancement triggers and it worked wonderfully actually.

    The nice thing is that players need fewer reference sheets, which cleaned our table up significantly. Now each player only needs their own sheet and maybe the downtime actions sheet.

  3. Really glad that John Harper is taking this as “we really like what you’re doing, and are craving more” instead of taking it as “work slave work! why aren’t you meeting deadlines!”. 

  4. Christopher French​​, I think we’ve all learned the forced game design camps are both morally abhorrent and more importantly produce bland uncreative games with confusing rules.

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