6 thoughts on “Where was I when v7 came out?”

  1. v7.1 is on DriveThru. Not sure why it’s not showing up for you. If you’re a KS backer, get it from the update (either on the KS site, or in your email).

    If none of that works, let me know. I can check it out further when I get home tomorrow.

  2. Got it, I think. I bought in to the early access edition from drivethru, because I missed the Kickstart (which I rue to this day, missing out on those alternate skins and hacks).

    The early access edition there says you get all the versions leading up to and including the final one. Hence I’ve got 3 to 6. But that doesn’t answer why I don’t have v7. Is v7 special somehow, not included in that?

    Should I take this up with them? I’ve scoured my emails and I can’t find anything

  3. You got an email about the updated PDF. Or you can see it in your PDF library on DriveThru. Or, well, everyone else who bought it can, anyway. :-/. If it’s not in your library, DriveThru has effed up.

    Send me your DriveThru order details via email and I can check it out. (my email is in the Blades PDF).

  4. mystery solved, apparently i have two drivethru accounts, and the first email for v7 in august was screwed up, but it is in my (other) library. Anyway, sorted, thank ye

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