I am a fairly new DM and i’m even newer to Blades in the Dark (My only prior game being Dungeon world, but I have…

I am a fairly new DM and i’m even newer to Blades in the Dark (My only prior game being Dungeon world, but I have…

I am a fairly new DM and i’m even newer to Blades in the Dark (My only prior game being Dungeon world, but I have watched people play for a few years on ItmeJP’s channel if you are familiar). I want to start learning the game’s systems and help my players (along with myself) learn the world/setting as well. To do this I want to have a couple of one shots, I was curious if anyone could give me any tips on one shots in general and more specifically for Blades. Thanks!

2 thoughts on “I am a fairly new DM and i’m even newer to Blades in the Dark (My only prior game being Dungeon world, but I have…”

  1. Don’t explain all the rules to your players at once. Have them make their characters (or give them premades), and then immediately put them in the middle of a tight spot. Now explain flashbacks, load and action rolls. Position is important to know at this juncture, but you can probably ignore effect for a bit. If the roll involved consequences, explain how resisting works now. Keep playing until another rules would come up (Gather Info, Fortune Rolls, Downtime, Vice, Trauma). Give everything to the players in bite sized pieces, and not before the exact moment they need it.

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